Apr 2020 – Pappaji Kids Group UK Baking

On Bank Holiday Monday (13th April), a live demonstration baking class was organised for our Pappaji Kids Group via Zoom. This took place over the Easter weekend when children across the UK usually take part in an ‘Easter Egg Hunt’. 


Due to the lock down – we were unable to organise our usual ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ at Jyot this year and so this was a good substitute which resulted in many kids taking part. 


It is a well known fact that the late P.Minaben Gohil used to make butter biscuits for the Jyot beno on an annual basis and so we thought it would be a fitting tribute to her to use her recipe for this first online class. 


P.Minaben sadly passed away just earlier on that week after suffering a heart attack at home. She had been a pillar of our satsang community for over 40 years; her conviction and steadfast devotion to Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj and P.P.Ben was remarkable. 


P.Rajubhai Dattani opened up the class with asking the children to join in a few minutes of dhun, praying to Pappaji Maharaj to protect everyone during this pandemic and to give the family of the late P.Minaben strength and courage to deal with this unexpected loss. 


P.Deempleben Brain then commenced the online demonstration of how to make the biscuits and all children followed. 


P.Amitbhai Sodha then took over the reigns and set the children a challenge on making a short video clip to capture their experiences during these strange times (which will then serve as an amazing memory for when they are older). 


In total, over 20 children participated which was an excellent turn out for this first online session and we are already planning more in the coming weeks and months. We thank Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj for inspiring us with these ideas and that we are able to create a lasting legacy of His work here in the UK. 


Photographs of some of the children with their finished products can be seen here.