Diamond Jubilee Instructions

Swami Shreeji

Pappaji Hirak Parva ni Jai

Jai Swaminarayan wishes to all aksharmukto.


1st June 2012 is the 60th anniversary of Guruhari Pappaji’s Realisation Day. In addition, this 28th May marks the 6th anniversary of Param Pujya Pappaji’s swadhamgaman. Therefore the number 6 is significant to us this year. It is requested by our current sakshat swarupo that we should all turn the rosary (mala) 600 times as a build up to 1st June.

Our aim:

Turning 600 mala equates to 6 hours of dhun. Let us do Param Pujya Pappaji’s bhakti in this way, either individually or collectively in a group. May we live our life as per Param Pujya Pappaji’s sankalp, may our thoughts, speech and deeds be as per His wish so that He is pleased with us. In this way, if 1000 mukto do 600 mala, then we can offer 6 lakh (600,000) mala at His holy feet; may we all gain His strength to do so.


Our Guhurhari is pleased when we do bhajan, bhakti and dhun. It is requested that we do this with sincerity and that we encourage our fellow mukto to also do the same so that they can also benefit from this auspicious act of devotion.

It is our request that you inform Gunatit Jyot of the number of mala either each individual or group has performed.

1st June is also ekadashi. It is requested by Pappaji Swarup Param Pujya Didi that we all fast on this day, consuming specially prepared food suitable for fasting is also acceptable.


We look forward to seeing many haribhakto at the celebrations in Vidyanagar, and those bhakta who are unable to attend, may you be able to take part through live streaming on the Gunatit Jyot website.

Sahajanand Swami ni Jai.