A leap of faith by Pujya Sunilbhai Gandhi

When we are faced with major difficulties or calamities in life, it is inevitable that we turn to God. During such crisis we are able to do bhajan with great intensity and feeling such that we would never forget God. However, when these dire circumstances pass and we fall gradually back into the normal routine of life, we tend to lose impetus in remembering God continuously.



In modern life many grahasta or karmi-yogi may have high profile jobs with a great deal of responsibilities. We may have a business that requires a lot of attention, our jobs may require physical work, or we may have other commitments. Then our minds are easily led into how to fulfil these responsibilities and duties, which often causes us stress and anxiety. Our minds become so diffuse that we cannot concentrate on God at all. When we sit down to do dhoon our minds are only occupied with the many problems we have to solve and the multitude of tasks we still need to complete.


It is at these times when we need a leap of faith. We need to let go. We wrongly think that we have to do this, or we have to do that and we have some much responsibility and burden that if we don’t do it then who will? What we need to realise is that as per the first brahm sutra of the Sanjivani mantra is that we are only doing His work. He has given us these responsibilities, we must play our part but the results of these responsibilities are His not ours.


If we truly accept that Param Pujya Pappaji is the all-doer in our lives then we have to accept that it is he who has brought all the difficulties and problems in our kriya as well, and with only one motive – to advance us spiritually. All we can do is pray and say “Pappaji, you have brought this on me and for a purpose. I throw the entire burden on to you and I will endeavour not lose my internal peace. You just show me far enough ahead so that I do not err”.


Then we find that nothing does go wrong. At the same time we have learnt to remember God in all that we do, to keep peace, to do bhajan and experience bliss. In fact, these circumstances will continue to occur until we do take total refuge in Pappaji. Therefore, may Pappaji give us this divine vision, the courage to keep anand and to depend upon Him entirely.