Gunatit Jyot Competition 2017

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Gunatit Jyot held a competition to commemorate Guruhar Pappaji’s 101st birthday. The competition was for children under the age of 12 on a theme of ‘If I had a day with Pappaji, how would spend it?’


We received a number of excellent entries and we are now proud to announce the winners:


1st place:Pujya Vivek Vang Nielson

2nd place: Pujya Rachana Maradia

Joint 3rd place: Pujya Josh Kotecha and Pujya Naisha Vaidya


(Please click on the links to view the entries)


Our most hearty congratulations to these winners and to all the particpants. I am sure you all will agree that these are wonderful stories and even though these youngsters have never seen Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj they have such affection and devotion for Him. We are sure you will enjoy reading the winning entries.


Sahajanand Swami Maharaj ni Jai

Guruhari Pappaji Pragatyadin ni Jai