Prathna Sabha and Funeral – Pujya Ushaben Makwana

Ushaben M 1

Pujya Ushaben Makwana, a sadhak ben in London Jyot since 1984, passed away this morning at 5.00am.  

A Prathna Sabha will be held on Sunday 26th October at 11.00am – 1.00pm at Vyners School followed by Prasad.

This event replaces the Ankot Utsav samayo organised by Gunatit Mission for the New Year celebrations.


The funeral will take place on: Tuesday 28th October 2014 at 4.00 pm

Venue: Milton Chapel, Chiltern Crematorium, Whielden Lane Amersham Buckingshire HP7 0ND.

Map – Chiltern Crematorium


Please do not bring flowers, instead  donations will be gratefully accepted for the following cause:
1. The Peace Hospice
2. The Gaushala at Pappaji Tirth, Vallabh Vidyanagar.