Ashirvad (Blessings)

Swami Shreeji

Gunatit Samaj ni Jai

Mukta-Akshar Purushottam ni Jai

It is due to the infinite grace and toil of P.P. Yogiji Maharaj that we are able to witness and accept the presence of a supreme being which is the manifestation of the Supreme Lord Swaminarayan (Shreeji Maharaj) – as prescribed in Vachnamrut G.II.13 and G.III. 2.   As stated by Maharaj in the Vachnamrat, a Gunatit Samaj comprising of divine mukto who are all ‘souls in the process of being purified’ and have become spiritually attached to ekantik sants (Gunatit Swaroops) has come into existence.  This samaj – a fellowship of divine mukto, abides by the rules and code of conduct of Akshardham whilst living on earth.  As prescribed in Vachnamrut G. I. 62, G. I. 27, these mukto endeavour to believe the Pratyaksh Swaroop to be the all inspiring, supreme controller of everything and everyone.  Thus, the universal laws of karma do not apply to such mukto, they are safeguarded from them.  Only the law ordained by their guru affects or indeed applies to them.  

With such knowledge and understanding the entire day’s activities are carried out with the prime motive of pleasing the Pratyaksh Guruhari.  The whole Samaj – no matter what their level of spiritual attainment is currently practising the above mentioned principles.  To aid each and every devotee in their quest to attain the pinnacle of their sadhana to become a maha-manav (super-human) and thus to experience the peace, bliss, and happiness of ‘Akshardham‘ and be free of all worldly hardships (physically, mentally, or spiritually), the swaroops have together compiled a booklet which outlines the total code of conduct for members of the Gunatit Samaj

This booklet, namely Acharsahinta has been compiled to inform, guide, advise and highlight ways in which a devotee can lead a spiritually enhanced life.  When performing the daily puja, every devotee should read and recite from the ‘Acharsahinta‘ or the Shikshapatri and should endeavour to apply the principles mention therein, in their lives.

My sincere prayers and blessings are that the whole samaj reads, recites, and applies these principles such that they experience the happiness of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (peace and tranquillity) as stated by Maharaj in Vachanamrut G. III. 11.

Jai Swaminarayan from yours ….
