
Shreeji Maharaj has  written  212 verses in the great spiritual scripture known as the Shikshapatri with the intention that those who endeavour to abide by these holy doctrines should experience nothing but total peace, bliss and happiness of Akshardham.  For the ultimate redemption of the soul and salvation (known as Kalyan) the soul should seek the guidance of the Gunatit Satpurush and aspire to live each and every moment according to the wishes of such a satpurush. All activities should be carried out with the prime intention of pleasing the Satpurush. He who practices this will ultimately be freed of worldly desires and attachments – he will become Nirvasnik.

The 120th verse of the Shikshapatri states that “behaviour, social conduct and interaction should be in accordance with the following : –  country, caste, race, wealth, social status and the present era”.

With this in mind, Yogiji Maharaj has graced us with the Gunatit Swaroopos who have jointly interpreted the Shikshapatri as it should be applied in the present era (as stated in the 120th verse of the Shikshapatri).  Thus emerged The Acharsanhita – which is a modern day interpretation of the Shikshapatri, containing guidelines on the physical, social, ethical, moral and spiritual code of conduct for members of the Gunatit Samaj.   All those who abide by these principles, endeavouring to practice them sincerely will not only be able to enjoy their daily lives but also experience the peace, bliss and happiness of Akshardham as promised by Shreeji Maharaj.