Chapter Seven: The Lotus Route


We will reach Akshardham by travelling in ‘Concorde’ – that is to say that our journey to Akshardham will be so much quicker and easier.  We are now in an era where our sadhana, i.e. the efforts or practices necessary to realise one’s spiritual goal is much easier and simpler.  Our prarabhdhas (past destiny) no longer exist nor do they have any relevance in our present life.  We now firmly believe that our destiny and the destiny of all devotees is controlled by God.  Thus, if we continuously remain submerged in our gurus smruti, remembering them and trying to live according to their instructions, then our desires for worldly pleasures will automatically diminish.

Once one firmly accepts that the guru is a Gunatit Swaroop who is in constant communion with God, one’s redemption is guaranteed.  There is no doubt that at the point of death, when we are taking our final breath, Maharaj will appear, grant us His divine darshan and redeem our soul.  However, we should attain the purification of our souls whilst we are alive!  This is our sadhana.

During the sadhana period we should take refuge in the accomplished gurusand seek their guidance.  By whatever means, remain sub-merged in smruti and live according to our guru’s instructions.  Each person will have his/her individual method of remaining submerged in smruti.  A sadhak should practice remaining submerged in murti ni smrutito such an extent that if he ever feels lonely, depressed or distressed, he will instantly turn to smruti.  Thus his sadhanawill be free from distress, misery and gloom.  We have discovered the Pratyaksh Swaroop so all we need to do is constantly remember Him.

Since we have discovered God, we will never suffer from poverty or hardship.  Shreeji Maharaj once said to his devotees:

“I realise that you will not be able to worship the Lord if you are starving.  Therefore, I shall take that responsibility upon myself.  None of my devotees shall ever suffer poverty.  I will always provide for him; food, clothing and shelter, all he needs to do is remember me.”

Hence, we should try to live according to His commands.  If you are ever faced with problems, simply turn to the Lord and pray;

“Oh Lord, no one other than you is capable of instigating such circumstances!  Whatever you have done is for my well-being, please give me the strength to endure!”

Once someone asked me what factors contributed to the easy sadhana, full of happiness which I had experienced.  It is a fact that I did find my sadhana extremely pain-less and easy.  No matter what circumstances and events took place, I always believed that Yogiji Maharaj had inspired them.  He is the supreme controller, whatever He inspires is ultimately beneficial.  He loves His humble devotees, thus He is not their enemy.  I would tell my mind this to stop it from formulating negative thoughts.  This was my way of remaining in murti – this is all I knew.

Gradually, I became happier and care-free.  It is true that during the purification process, the mind will dwell on negative thoughts.  It will try to work out the reasons why certain events took place, why someone said something or behaved in a particular way.  The mind will engage itself in the whys and wherefores.  Instead, it should really ask only one question:

“Who is the inspirational force?  Oh Lord, who other than yourself has the power to control everything and everyone?  Grant me the strength, Oh Lord, to accept that you have ordained these events”.

Basically, we now understand that whenever we witness something, whatever it is, it has been inspired by the Lord specifically for us.  These events and circumstances have been ordained by the Lord, to test us and ultimately to make us immune from all sorts of issues, problems, doubts, dilemmas etc.  So, we should not fear the forces of kal, karma and maya

These natural forces will continue to work in their normal way, they will not stop.  However, since we have an affiliation with the supreme Lord, they cannot touch us.  These forces will not affect us – we are immune to them.  Thus we should remain care-free and happy.  If anything causes us unhappiness or distress then we should instantly begin to ponder on the Lord’s murti (i.e. begin to do smruti).  This is our life-line.

When you find yourself slipping into depression or misery, quickly grab the life-line; this will stop you from slipping further.  Do not wait until you have fallen so deep that the life-line is out of reach.  Therefore refrain from seeking alternative solutions to your problems, simply begin to pray and remember the Lord as described in Vachnamrut G. III. 26.

How will we ascertain whether or not we have achieved a certain level of spiritual tranquillity and equanimity?  Whenever something occurs, or if we are blamed for something we did not do, and if we can remain calm and serene then we have achieved it.  When we are implicated through fraud or deceit and still remain serene then we have attained spiritual tranquillity and equanimity. 

We should monitor our own progress closely.  Do not become involved in worrying about the whys and wherefores of events.  You should not spend more than five minutes in a state of unhappiness, misery, distress etc.  Practice murti ni smruti – this will help to alleviate you from such emotional disturbances.  Nothing else applies to us.  We are members of such a supreme Gunatit Samaj that we should experience nothing but bliss and joy.  Our sadhana is so easy and smooth, it is as though we are making our journey on Concorde!