Sanjivani Mantra

Ten spiritual injunctions by Pappaji Maharaj inspiring aspirants to live spiritually happy and peaceful lives.

1. Never never forget, even for one moment that The Supreme, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Divine has selected you to do His work. Then why worry!

2. Be and remain true and sincere to the cause, The Goal

3. Always and every moment aspire and remain open for His help and guidance and then act freely and fearlessly.

4. Whatever needed and necessary for His service will and must be provided by Him. Have faith.

5. Always remain sportive. Keep sportsman spirit, maintain it and make it your habit. Hence laugh out your difficulties and shortcomings and falls. Stand up and with double zeal march on towards your goal.

6. Never accept even your criticisms in toto. Scrutinise them, accept whatever necessary and then forget them. Neglect them and continue your march with new zeal and joy.

7. Don’t compare your progress with anybody.

8. Don’t criticize anybody. It’s not your job.

9. What have we to lose when everything “called and labelled Ours” has been burnt to ashes by us and seated on the throne of those ashes we have started on this Eternal March!

10. Be brave! And keep spiritual equanimity. Victory is definitely yours! Pappa.