Maintaining divya bhai by Pujya Sunilbhai Gandhi

For those who have the conviction of the manifest God, to have divine vision is to:


  • Realise that at this very moment we are living in Akshardham.


We are not in our place of dwelling or place of work, we are not in our town or city, we are not in England or India, we are not even on this earth, but actually we are in Akshardham; therein there cannot be an iota of hardship, sorrow or unhappiness.


  • Know that Pappaji Maharaj and His swaroopo are personally with us right here and right now.


We should not feel that God is somewhere so far away that He cannot be reached, but instead we should have the understanding that Pappaji is with us constantly on a personal level and that He is accompanying us at all times in every activity.


Knowing that He is with us, we can be fearless and not be concerned about what may or may not happen. By maintaining our focus on that God, who every second is not even a millimetre away from us, we can continuously stay in communion with Him and enjoy His divine bliss and actions.


  • Believe that we are under the direct control of Maharaj; for us the material world is not real and it cannot touch us.


We are simply puppets and He is the master puppeteer, or we are actors in a play and He is the playwright. In every person and event there is only Maharaj. As per Vachanamrut G I 37 nothing in the material world has power over us, Maharaj Himself deals with us personally and as such even our fate from our past life cannot touch us.


No one can harm us or act against us. Even if some disaster is meant to befall us in the very next minute, Maharaj will avert it; He will transform a fate that would have been a death sentence to a mere thorn prick (Vach. G I 70). We can then follow Pappaji’s brahmsutra, “Forget the past, do not worry about the future, live this moment in Akshardham and make it eternal” [Param na Pathik ni].


If something frightful does happen Pappaji says that what we do is to meditate on that which is not real, that is we focus on the problem and become submerged in misery. Instead Pappaji has advised, “For the followers of Akshar Purushottam… rest assured nothing wrong will happen as their fate is controlled by the Supreme… so whatever happens… just pray… to keep yourself unperturbed by the imaginary shock of evil results which can never happen. Take everything lightly” [Pearls of Wisdom]. By keeping this mentality we will also foster a feeling of trust and faith (nirdosh buddhi) in God.


Gunatitanand Swami used to say, “Even if people are running towards us wielding swords from all four directions then we should maintain our composure and believe that without the wish of my Swami no one can do anything” [Swami ni Vato]. This level of divine knowledge was also propounded by Maharaj when He explained that even if we are to face the guillotine and God is stood before us then we should not beg for mercy! After all, He is here to protect us unreservedly.


Pappaji applied the same principle in His life on many occasions but particularly during the Rs. 24 lakh government court case that was brought against Him, and even when being accused of keeping false accounts by a fellow director of Agri Orient, Pappaji maintained silence even though He had the proof to clear His name. Pappaji maintained equanimity and took all of these events as being instigated by His beloved God, Yogi Bapa and believed that nothing bad would happen.


  • Believe all fellow devotees to be divine.


We belong to Pappaji Maharaj and as such all satsangi are divine. Pappaji has taught us to serve mukto such that God who is within them is pleased. So by believing all mukto to be images of Pappaji we should serve them with divine sentiments.


Even when we see people’s faults then we should believe that Pappaji has inspired the event to highlight the faults that are actually within us. We can then be our own guru and pray for our own purification.


If we genuinely do not possess the faults that we have witnessed in other people then we should maintain the belief that we were also once like that, that is, we are not superior to others but only at a different stage of purification. And so, rather than making judgements we should pray keeping spiritual friendship and support Pappaji in His mission.


By maintaining such divya bhav and practicing it in our lives we will also become divine.