Nirdoshbuddhi by Pujya Sunilbhai Gandhi

Nirdosh buddhi is the divine acceptance that God is the all-inspirer and all-doer. It is not looking at the faults of others, criticising or gossiping.


Everyone in the Gunatit Samaj is extremely lucky and special because God Himself as chosen us to be His bhakta for a fast track redemption. As such we are in what might be deemed as an academy where every second of every minute of every day Param Pujya Pappaji and Maharaj are the all-doer in our lives.


Pappaji always says that we should laugh-out everything up to prakruti-purush and remain cheerful. This is because nothing in the material world affects us; we are not under the influence of kal, karma or maya. God does everything in our lives. What ever happens is for our best and for our emancipation. Rest assured that everyone is going to become param bhagwat sant.


Thus He is the inspirer and controller of everyone’s actions, allows things to happen either to highlight our own faults or for the progression of others. No one is at fault, Pappaji Maharaj is truly doing everything. We should stay aloof when situations arise and at most we must pray to overcome our dehabhav or support God in what He is doing by undertaking shurad prays.


If we see that things are not been done properly then if we are able to say ‘are you sure we should it this way?’ then we should do so, otherwise we should not insist or be concerned with the outcome, nothing will go wrong. We should put our own ego aside and simply pray thus, ‘Pappaji I am unhappy about this, you guide us and bring best results’. Let Him be concerned with the outcome, all we should do is Hai Maharaj, Hai Pappaji.


At times it is difficult to maintain this type of vision. But Pappaji says we should consider ourselves as a sevak and others as swaroops. If we consider all satsangi as Pappaji swaroops then we are unable take abhav in them. The first place to start is with a close associate, a close relative such as our wife, husband or fellow sadhak, so that as Param Pujya Kakashri used to say, our crude nature will be divinised. We should always remind ourselves that wherever there is bhakta, there is God.


This is why nirdosh buddhi is the greatest seva. To truly have this divine vision, to see God in everything, to know that nothing will go wrong, to see all satsangi as innocent and thus to support God in His divine mission is the greatest achievement.