Stay in Gunatit bhav by Pujya Sunilbhai Gandhi

Swami Shreeji


Maharaj says that everyone wants to worship God, but their understanding differs. We should have only one understanding, and that is to stay submerged in Gunatit bhav.

Gunatit bhav is to stay constantly in God consciousness so that we carry with us the fragrance God with us at all time, and as per Vachanamrut G III 26 we live every moment to please the manifest God whom we have personally attained. Whatever seva we may be asked to do, or may present itself to us we should willingly carry out that seva selflessly understanding Maharaj’s inner wishes in order to support Him in His mission. In this same way, Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj carried out selfless bhakti and seva for Brahmswarup Yogiji Maharaj by understanding swami’s opinions (aspirations and expectations) and acting as per Yogiji Maharaj’s true wishes, and not as per his own mind. The fruit of such seva was the birth of the Gunatit Samaj, which is based upon spiritual harmony, friendship and solidarity (samp, suhridbhav ane ekta).


When carrying out seva we often face issues and problems (prasang) that may cause us frustration, emotional disturbances and difficulties, we may even fallout with someone and harbour ill feelings against them, but Pappaji says that we should always try to stay happy and let God work. As such when doing seva, we have to take spiritual responsibility to remain in Gunatit bhav; that is to react in a manner in which when we do face a prasang, Guruhari would be extremely pleased with us. If we want to be His heir then we need to take this responsibility.


A satsangi once met a devotee from another sect. When talking about seva, that devotee started gossiping and criticising one of his own fellow aspirants. The satsangi realised that such a view would not please Guruhari, rather we are taught to sincerely believe our fellow sadhaks to be images of brahm and are souls in process of purification. To have such awareness is itself Gunatit bhav.


The key elements of Gunatit behaviour that we should imbibe in our daily lives are as follows:

  • In all situations keep spiritual equilibrium (adyatmik samta)
  • Always keep the mind tranquil (nirav)
  • Live constantly in a heavenly, serene state (chidakashrup)
  • In all situations keep a divine vision so that we see God in everything and everyone (divya bhav)
  • Always strive to please Guruhari in all our actions

Param Pujya Kakaji has explained how we should act to please God: “If we dedicate our mind at the feet of God and the satpurush in all our actions, movements and feelings, then the supreme divinity will instantly work for our happiness and bliss.” If we behave in this manner so that it becomes the norm, then we can dedicate the mind to God in any situation.


Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj also gives us guidance in swarup yog about how we should remember God no matter what circumstance we face, “Whatever incident, person or discussion that we encounter, or become aware off, then without reacting immediately we should wait for a moment, pray and then act as per inspired by God…” Unfortunately, the problem is that we do react immediately to such circumstances; we question why something has happened, why someone has behaved in a particular way or has said something. We may become disappointed because our expectations have not been fulfilled. Until we have been purified and become Gunatit, our actions are based upon our ego, vasana, swabhav and limited understanding. We should not act as per our own mind but only as per God’s wishes and as per His inspiration. Whenever we do seva, the fundamental question we should ask ourselves is whether we are doing seva to please Pappaji, or are we doing that seva for our own selfish motives?


Guruhari Pappaji further explains in ‘Param na Pathik ne’ that even when we face a favourable circumstance, we should not become elated but should still keep equanimity, remain unbiased and always be neutral[i]. This is because when something favourable happens then naturally we are pleased because something as per own wish has occurred, however we should ask whether if what has happened is what God wants? This should be our only happiness.


Nevertheless, despite our best intentions when we do come across these types of circumstances, we often forget such teachings and we succumb to our own inherent crude nature. What we need to do is practice staying in spiritual equilibrium constantly and rely on Guruhari in all our activities whether there is a prasang or not. This is what Pappaji Maharaj has taught us in Panchamrut, “Live this moment in spiritual tranquillity and pray for His guidance and strength to follow it.” Guruhari Pappaji also explains in the Sanjivani Mantra, “Whatever needed and necessary for His service will and must be provided by Him – Have faith.” The trouble is that we do not have faith that Pappaji will do everything for us. That is why we fill our minds with thoughts of ‘this and that should happen’ or ‘I need to do this and that’, and thus we allow our mind to take control as per our own crude nature.


If we were to live every moment as atma or brahm, experiencing spiritual bliss every moment then we would have a transcendental relationship with Pappaji relying on Him for everything. If we stay in this type of spiritual happiness, and pray for inspiration in everything thought, word and deed then we would be able to live constantly in Gunatit bhav and become His instrument. This is true seva and true bhakti; may Pappaji Maharaj give us the strength and awareness to live in this way.


Sahajanand Swami Maharaj ni Jai.


Author: Sunil Gandhi

[i] To one who seeks the ultimate truth (Param na Pathik ne), Essay 9 (English Edition).