The significance of 1st June Celebrations by Pujya Dilipbhai Bhojani


Why do we celebrate the 1st of June every year?

This day is a very historic day for us as it combines three events; events that have changed the way in which we believe in Lord Swaminarayan and His teachings.




If we wind back the calendar, this was the day on which Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj took a special place in our Guruhari Param Pujya Pappaji Maharaj’s heart.


This was the day, in 1952 when Pappaji realised that to achieve ultimate redemption, a spiritual bond had to exist between a disciple and his guru. Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj graced Pappaji with this bond, and manifested Himself in our Guruhari’s heart and soul. On this day Pappaji decided that from that day onwards, His heart and soul belonged to Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj alone and that He should live His life according to His Guru’s wishes. It is for this very reason that we celebrate this auspicious day. This day heralded a new chapter in our lives, bringing in the awakening that one has to be spiritually attached to one’s guru to achieve salvation.

Years later, on 1st June 1966 Param Pujya Pappaji, on instructions from Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj, inaugurated and took responsibility for Gunatit Jyot, a spiritual establishment for the emancipation of women, who, if they chose, could renounce worldly desires, become nuns and progress towards redemption. Women had the opportunity to live a spiritual life according to their guru’s wishes and ‘spread the word’ to those who came in their contact. Hence a Samaj or a ‘following’ was automatically created for those wanting to follow Param Pujya Pappaji as their mentor and to follow commandments set up by Lord Swaminarayan as propounded by Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj and Pappaji. This meant accepting and believing in Pappaji’s teachings as well as supporting the Divine Sisters of Gunatit Jyot. Thereby achieving a life beyond the realms of routine ‘living’ and a life without ego, but full of humility where all fellow disciples are treated with utmost respect by adopting the thinking that God resides in their hearts as well. This development of minds would lead to unity and oneness and make life much more pleasant to live and enjoy, in an environment where there is no prejudice or partiality towards cast, colour or creed.

Guruhari Pappaji has put us on this spiritual path by showering unconditional, eternal and deep-rooted love to all of His devotees. He has totally disregarded our shortcomings and whether we are worthy of His love or otherwise. This love forms a platform for our spiritual upliftment leading towards liberation of our soul. It is for this very reason that total surrender and loyalty towards our Guruhari is vital to achieve this spiritual tranquillity and bliss.

Let us hope and pray that we, the disciples of Param Pujya Pappaji Maharaj, always remember this momentous day as the beginning of a new era in our stride towards achieving bliss by revering the three historical events in our lives – the Realisation Day of our Guruhari- His Divine Holiness Pappaji Maharaj, the Creation Day of Gunatit Jyot and the Creation Day of GunatitSamaj’.

Let us pray that His love for us is eternal, that He will definitely grant us ‘Akshardham nu Sukh’, and lead us to redemption. Let us celebrate this Holy Day for years to come!