Chapter Seven: Code of Conduct for Vratdhari sisters

Physical body, attire, food and drink, place of residence and the temple should be kept clean and tidy. Regularly perform swaroopyog, puja, japyagna and prayers according to the instructions of one’s guru. If required to venture out, one should always go accompanied by a fellow sadhak.   However, those Vratdhari sisters requiring to venture alone due to their occupation or profession may do so with the consent of

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Chapter Eight: Code of Conduct for Vratdhari Brothers

Vratdhari brothers (male sadhaks who have taken vows to dedicate their lives to the Lord) are also karma-yogi sadhaks:  sadhaks whose lives are devoted to the Lord but at the same time they are engaged in an occupation or profession.  What distinguishes the karma-yogi sadhak from the lay person is that he lives  totallyin accordance with the wishes of his guru, all activities (karma) should be performed primarily with the intention of pleasing the Lord.  He

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Chapter Nine: Code of Conduct for Agna-dhari Grahasth

Those members of the Gunatit Samaj who are married, known as grahasth, should endeavour to humbly serve saints, vrat-dhari brothers and vrat-dhari sisters with enthusiasm, within the bounds of their financial means in order to attain redemption and ultimate salvation of their souls. The simple act of serving the saints, vrat-dhari brothers and vrat-dhari sisters will promote and strengthen the soul, leading to ultimate peace, bliss and happiness.  Remaining humble towards such sadhus

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Chapter Ten: Spiritual code of Conduct for Tyagi-Sadhu, Vrat-dhari brothers, Vrat-dhari sisters and Devoted Grahasth of the Gunatit Samaj

To attain the state known as brahm-roop and to worship with total love and devotion the supreme Lord known as Par-brahm is our ultimate goal.  The realisation of this goal will render us free from our ego (dehbhav) and will enable us to experience the divine peace, bliss and happiness of Akshardham from this moment.  In order to attain a solid divine attachment with the Pratyaksh Guruhari whereby we have completely surrendered

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A Tribute to Param Pujya Deviben on Her 85th Birthday and Garima Parva by Neha Vang Nielsen

Param Pujya Deviben echoes the work and teachings of Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj – to enlighten those who seek to attain ekantik dharma – a single-minded conviction in God and satsang. This spiritual stithi, Deviben herself has accomplished.  … Continue readingA Tribute to Param Pujya Deviben on Her 85th Birthday and Garima Parva by Neha Vang Nielsen

Chapter Seven: The Lotus Route

Padmamarg We will reach Akshardham by travelling in ‘Concorde’ – that is to say that our journey to Akshardham will be so much quicker and easier.  We are now in an era where our sadhana, i.e. the efforts or practices necessary to realise one’s spiritual goal is much easier and simpler.  Our prarabhdhas (past destiny) no longer exist nor do they have any relevance in our present life.  We now firmly

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Chapter Eight: Concorde

What is Concorde? Concorde is an aeroplane similar to the Boeing 747 aeroplanes.  However, it is the fastest aeroplane in the world.  It travels at a supersonic speed.  If it is in London at five o’clock, it will reach America at five o’clock (local time).  Concorde travels at the same speed as the earth so it is still the same hour of the day

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Chapter Nine: Believe the Lord to be the Almighty Controller

Karta Harta mano Daily we read and recite the Sanjivani Mantra.  Consequently we all know that all events and circumstances are ordained by the Lord.  Even the youngest devotees realise this fact.  Thus when something happens, we should instantly turn to the Lord and begin to pray : “Oh Lord, why is this happening to me?  Please enlighten me”. We should chant the Swaminarayan mantra.  We will

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