Chapter Four: The ideal daily routine of a spiritual aspirant

As the dawn breaks, the body emerges from a restful sleep, casting off the blanket of sleepiness and encompassed by a divine aura, the soul commences a prayerful conversation with Lord.

“Oh Lord…  May each and every moment of my day be engrossed in you, guide me such that every moment is utilised to serve and please only you.  Let me be totally engrossed in your divine murti and experience joy and happiness.”

In this way the sadhak’s day commences.  Beginning the daily activities in an auspicious manner, performing any s‚va with the sole intention of pleasing the Lord whilst accepting all colleagues (fellow sadhaks) as ‘divine beings’.  The sadhak endeavours to believe that all other sadhaks have already achieved what he is trying to achieve.  He truly accepts that he has yet to achieve this and thus remains occupied with such humble sentiments.

Whatever the sadhak’s occupation or profession, he begins his task believing the Lord to be ever present and by his side.  Every moment he realises, experiences and accepts the presence of the Lord.  He witnesses the Lord in everyone, everything and every incident.  The Lord, ever present in the sadhak’s heart radiates His divine fragrance filling the atmosphere beyond with a delightful, heavenly aura.  Surrounded by the Lord in such a resplendent atmosphere the sadhak remains light and cheerful.  There is no possibility for confusion or depression to arise.  Why should it arise when everything is ordained by the Lord and everyone is also inspired by Him.  Thus there is no limit to the peace and happiness experienced by the sadhak.

The sadhak returns home at dusk accompanied by the Lord.  Physically he is exhausted from the day’s activities.  He tells himself “Let the body be fatigued, rest will certainly be granted if it is necessary.  However, if in such circumstances the Lord bestows his grace upon me and calls me for seva, I should be prepared.  I should eagerly grab any such opportunity as it will eventually render me free from all dehbhav.  In this way the sadhak performs any required seva, remains happy and experiences nothing but blissful and joyous satisfaction at having served the Lord.  Later on, the sadhak dines in the company of the Lord.  The evening is spent with the family where once again the sadhak endeavours to witness the Lord in each and every member.  During the course of the devotional worship, prayers, chanting of the Swaminarayan mantra (dhoon) and singing bhajans, the sadhak is ever alert  and participates eagerly with zeal – without giving in to his dehbhav.

Finally, before retiring for the night, the sadhak spends five minutes meditating and reflecting:

“Oh my divine Lord… how great and divine you are!  All day you have accompanied me, always by my side – I have experienced nothing but peace, bliss and happiness.  Even if I had tried, I could not have found any sorrow, misery or desolation anywhere on this universe.  Please remain with me in this way forever.”

The sadhak experiences joy and happiness in all his daily activities and chores.  It is not that he has remained totally absorbed or engrossed in the Lord – rather that the Lord has bestowed his grace upon the sadhak  blessing him with His divine presence.

“Oh Lord, you are divine and divine is your entire creation.  Please remain by my side in my dreams just as you have done during the day, do not abandon me.  Be with me always Lord.  I will endeavour to remain engrossed in your divine murti.”

This is the ideal daily routine of a sadhak – a spiritual aspirant.  We are all such aspirants, thus let us become alert and begin to live each moment in this way.  We should not ponder over trivialities, but become broad-minded and be prepared to give in to others; this will dissolve all our egotistical characteristics and will free us from such inherent dehabhav.  Do not worry about which particular egotistical characteristics need to be dissolved… that is the Lord’s work – let him do it.  All we need to do is remain open-minded and accept the guidance as and when it is given; let go of our own ego and increasingly surrender to the satpurush.