Tribute to Param Pujya Deviben on her 60th Divine Day by Pujya Nehaben Vang Nielson





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Swami Shreeji

Jai Pappaji


Param Pujya Deviben was born on the 18th of November 1936 in Ville Parle at the Sumitrabai Hospital, Mumbai, as the first daughter to Chaturbhai and Chancharben.  Born into the Pattidar caste from Pallana, Gujarat, the family had moved to Mumbai and were well off and well settled.  



After three boys, (Manubhai, Arvindbhai, and Yasvantbhai), Chancharben longed for a daughter. She prayed to the goddess Maha Laxmi to bless her with a girl and made a solemn vow and that if her prayer was answered, that she would gift a solid silver statue of Maha Laxmi to the Mahadev Mandir in Pallana.  Her faith was strong and her prayer was answered – Maha Laxmi Devi (the name given to P. P. Deviben) was born.  The entire family was overjoyed with her arrival and as promised, gifted the people in Pallana with money and donated the solid silver murti at the temple.

Her name was shorted to Laxmi Devi. As a child, Laxmi Devi had a simple and sweet nature who demonstrated detachment from material things and showed considerate Suhradbhav from early childhood.  There was evidence from a young age that Laxmi Devi was not controlled by mayathere were no delusions about reality and her spiritual goals.


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Laxmi Devi’s early years and spiritual foundation

At 5 years old, Laxmi Devi went to school but was never really interested in education.  Her mind was always in ‘brahmvidya’ – yearning spiritual knowledge.  To her, going to school was taking her away from spirituality, a kind of punishment and she would cry having to attend school.

She studied at Shree G.P.P. High School where she stayed until reaching ‘metric level’.  Her fondness of sports, especially badminton and tennis, blossomed at high school and every recess she would meet with her friends and play. But despite being more than capable, her lack of interest in studying continued.  In fact, in the first year of exams, Laxmi Devi failed to pass. This repeated in 1953 aged 17.  One day the Principal came across Laxmi Devi playing games with her friends and called her over and said, “How will you pass any exams playing games?”  From that moment, Laxmi Devi’s attitude towards studying changed.  She focused solely on passing the exams.  Upon taking the final exams, she passed being one of two girls in her year who succeeded.

Once, she was playing games with two of her friends, one of the girls came over to Laxmi Devi and told her that the third friend was saying bad things about her.  Laxmi Devi replied “My friend would not say that about me.  You’re testing me.”  The girl was hiding and listening.  She eventually came out and said, “I wanted to hear what you said about me.” Even at a young age, Laxmi Devi did not get involved in gossiping or fall outs.  Even as a child, she always took the higher ground and unknowingly was using her own spirituality as her inner witness as opposed to being influenced from the outside.

In 1946, her father passed away.  After his death, Laxmi Devi had the understanding not to spend money unnecessarily and without good reason, even though the family was well off financially. She wore simple clothes and never wanted any material things. From 1956-1958 Laxmi Devi commenced her learning of law at the Government Law College. Upon graduating in 1958, Laxmi Devi started working at LIC in Churchgate to help the family, even though they were financially stable. She worked there for eight years and resigned in May 1966.


Bhagwan Swaminarayan is here in human form – A spiritual awakening

Chancharben’s side of the family followed the Swaminarayan faith.  This led towards her first encounter with Brahmswarup Shastriji Maharaj during a samaiyo in Bochasan in 1948. At this time, she had no spiritual connection with Shastriji Maharaj nor saw bhagwan in Him.  During this samaiyo, Laxmi Devi mainly played outside with her cousin sisters.  Wandering from farm to farm, they lost track of time and were lost.  With a deep sense of panic, Laxmi Devi from deep within thought of Shastriji Maharaj.  Out of nowhere, a shepherd appeared.  His presence instantly calmed Laxmi Devi and he guided them back to towards the mandir.  Upon turning back to say ‘thank you’ to the shepherd, he was gone.  There was nowhere he could have been hiding and no one else around.  As they reached the mandir, she saw Shastriji Maharaj and their eyes met.  At this moment, Laxmi Devi realised that the shepherd was in fact Shastriji Maharaj Himself and from that moment bhagwan entered her heart.  This experience became her lifetime bond and was her spiritual awakening. 

Ten years later in 1958, Laxmi Devi faced another defining moment.  Brahmswarup Yogiji Maharaj (Bapa) stopped very close to where Laxmi Devi was stood doing darshan during a sabha.  Here their eyes met through a hole in the curtain.  Laxmi Devi’s mind, body and soul became one with His divinity.  Laxmi Devi’s definitive thought was, ‘Now the rest of my life is for HIM’.

This divine connection with both Brahmswrup Shastriji Maharaj and Brahmswrup Yogiji Maharaj confirmed to Laxmi Devi that there is only one path to her destiny – a life dedicated to God.  She discovered her calling and life message at the young age of 22 years.


Her bond with Guruhari Param Pujya Pappaji Maharaj

In 1957, Laxmi Devi first met Param Pujya Ba when she came to Tardev with her mother.  At that first meeting, P. P. Ba was mesmerised to see Laxmi Devi.  When Chancharben told P. P. Ba that Laxmi Devi wanted to devote her life to God’s work, P.P. Ba gave Laxmi Devi her wholehearted blessings.

In April 1959, Laxmi Devi was working full time.  During the rainy season, Bapa frequently visited Mumbai.  Pujya Taraben, Pujya Jyotiben, and Pujya Hansadidi were also present.  Despite her commitment to her job, Laxmi Devi’s heart was with Yogiji Maharaj and before going to the office, Laxmi Devi would leave home very early so she could get to Kapad Vadi to do His darshan every morning.  Guruhari Pappaji was in charge of Kapad Vadi kitchen and noticed that Laxmi Devi was arriving early and then leaving in a rush to get to work without any tea or any food.  On observing this, He asked P. Jyotiben to accompany Laxmi Devi to Tardev enroute to her office and give her something to eat.  P. Jyotiben took Guruhari Pappaji’s word sincerely and this became Laxmi Devi’s routine, and those in Tardev became her second family and home.  More importantly, this began her bond with P. Jyotiben.

Yogiji Maharaj gave the agna to hold sabha during public holidays.  Without any question, Laxmi Devi would go there and would never miss such an opportunity.  She would never disobey anything that which Guruhari Pappaji or P.P. Kakaji would ask of her.  On 27th August 1959, despite P.P Kakaji instructing everyone to attend the sabha, Laxmi Devi felt compelled not to go.  She was surprised at herself about how she was feeling, but she stayed behind in Tardev.  At around 4pm, Guruhari Pappaji started reading and explaining Vachnamrut Gadhada I-37: | Attachment to One’s Native Place; ‘Self-realisation, to have no attachment to relations and become true atma and not the body.  One’s heart should be filled with devotion to God’. Laxmi Devi was listening with intent and with deep contemplation.  With this, her mind kept on going around and around confused with the same question about whether she should marry or devote her life to God?  All the while Laxmi Devi was sat listening, thinking, questioning her thoughts, until Guruhari Pappaji stopped the reading in the early evening.

At the very same time, Yogiji Maharaj attended the sabha held in Atladara.  He called Param Pujya Mahant Swamiji to write three letters. The three letters were then sent to Mumbai with P. P. Sonaba who was attending the same sabha, the letters were written on the 27th of August.  The next day the letters were delivered – one for Guruhari Pappaji, one for P.P. Kakaji and the third unnamed.   Guruhari Pappaji opened and read his letter. After reading, he immediately called Laxmi Devi and said the third letter is for you.  She read it, which, to her surprise was a letter from Yogiji Maharaj who had written the letters at exactly the same moment that Guruhari Pappaji was holding the sabha that evening and the letter included everything that Pappaji was explaining from the Vachanamrut!

From 27th August, when the letters were first written, to the 2nd September where Guruhari Pappaji was explaining the Vachanamrut, Laxmi Devi was in deep thoughts about whether to totally dedicate her life to God.  Laxmi Devi realised that Guruhari Pappaji was one with Brahmswarup Yogiji Maharaj and truly accepted that they are one and the same.  She accepted in her heart that the living form of God was Pappaji. Her questions had been answered, her mind was clear of all other thoughts – she decided to devote her life to her guru’s work.    

Although Laxmi Devi had made this decision, her family was very much against her staying in Tardev and had to endure lots of opposition and hostility from her entire family and extended relations during this time.  However, Guruhari Pappaji told her never to think or say negative things about anyone but to instead thank them, which was not always easy, but she followed this agna.  On one particular occasion, her family started bombarding her with a lot of verbal abuse and saying lots of offensive things about Tardev, Guruhari Pappaji, P. P. Kakaji and other devotees.  It was so bad that she could not endure it any further.  She calmly explained to her family her reasons for leaving and she packed a few clothes in a bag and headed for Tardev.  Upon arriving, Guruhari Pappaji opened the door Himself as if He was waiting for her. As she entered the house and said to everyone, “I am God’s servant in this house.”

Even though Laxmi Devi started staying in Tardev her family were still not satisfied about her departure.  They escalated the situation to Guruhari Pappaji insisting that He send Laxmi Devi back home.  When they received this message, Guruhari Pappaji and P. P. Kakaji tried to convince Laxmi Devi that she should return home, but she would not accept it.  Numerous thoughts were in her mind – “Yogiji Maharaj wrote me a letter about devoting my life to God and now He’s telling me I should go home?”  She was extremely upset at the idea of returning home and would rather drown at sea.  Everyone tried to comfort her but it was only when Guruhari Pappaji came to her and spoke in his sweet caring voice that Laxmi Devi was comforted.

Guruhari Pappaji said in a very moving way, “Is this Mungoo talking?  Is this the servant of God?” Immediately Laxmi Devi was uplifted and gained the strength to go home one last time before finally permanently moving to Tardev. On 1st June 1966, Laxmi Devi took vows to devote her life to God.  We now know her as Param Pujya Deviben who is one of the first four sisters to dedicate their lives to God and who represent the four pillars of Gunatit Jyot (the three other pillars being P.P. Taraben, P.P. Jyotiben and P.P. Didi).

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P.P. Deviben constantly beholds Guruhari Pappaji’s murti, which is her greatest virtue as a saint.  Having her mind constantly focused on her guru and guru’s work and absolute resolute in her self-discipline (swadharma), she leads a perfect and simple life that defines and venerates her position as a sadguru.

P.P. Deviben possess a unique art of spreading bliss, laughter and rejoicing with bhakto whilst imparting wisdom. In fact, one of her qualities is that of having a great sense of humour.  Equally she has a profound approach in ensuring she fulfils the needs and requirements of all that come her way.  She has embodied her life in seva, nirdoshbuddhi and suhradbhav.  In all the time we have known and seen with our own eyes P.P. Deviben leading a life in a modest, humble and egoless path.  Her seva as a pillar of Gunatit Jyot, have included the head of the kitchen, the head of the main office and of course the head of finance.  In 1980, Guruhari Pappaji appointed P.P. Deviben as Pardesh President (President of Overseas) and her travels have taken her to the USA, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and almost 30 times to the UK. From 1973, she also became P.P. Ben’s companion to the UK.

Guruhari Pappaji has proclaimed that P.P Deviben is the wisest of the wisest, possessing 99% percent of intellect in the entire world. She demonstrates her unparalleled wisdom when considering everyone’s needs with flawless innocence; she acknowledges that everything and everyone is inspired by God, thus they are all divine and innocent. She is the Divine Ambassador of the Gunatit Samaj. Guruhari Pappaji once said, “Devi has never doubted me.”

P.P. Deviben echoes the work and teachings of Guruhari Pappaji Maharaj – to enlighten those who seek to attain ekantik dharma – a single-minded conviction for God and religion; a spiritual status which P.P. Deviben has accomplished. She actively continues Guruhari Pappaji’s legacy in her role internationally through spreading His word and guiding those seeking guidance. She is able to adapt her spiritual message to all regardless of age, culture, sect and background. Even the challenges faced by our modern world do not phase her. Her practical adaptions and examples of the scriptures such as the Vachanamrut and Anoopam 5, 6, 7 are longed for by devotees. Whether an established follower or a new comer, P.P Deviben ensures they are inspired and depart with meaningful spiritual learning. Followers seeking advice, needing spiritual and emotional uplifting, or at a time of need will to this day seek her prayer, advice and wisdom – she is here for us all.

The 27th August 2019 marks 60 years of P.P. Deviben’s Realisation Day – her Diamond Jubilee.

It’s our prayer that the whole samaj thanks you for your dedication and devotion as a pure founding pillar of Gunatit Jyot. May you shower us with your blessings even more and raise our hearts and minds to a greater spiritual level. May you guide us on our spiritual journey acknowledging Guruhari Pappaji as Parbrahm Purushottam Narayan. We ask for the gift of your good health and long life.

Sahajanand Swami Maharaj ni Jai

Jai Pappaji Maharaj