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19 – Samp, Surid-bhav, Ékta maté khamvu, namvu padé to té Maharaj ni para-bhakti chhé tém antar thi manjo

If it is necessary to remain tolerant and humble in order to maintain unity, harmony and spiritual friendship, then sincerely believe it to be the supreme worship of the Lord – Pappa

In order to accomplish our sadhana, it is imperative that we please Yogiji Maharaj and attain his heart-felt blessings. We can only reach the spiritual status of being ‘brahmrup’ if we have the blessings of the mightiest, the most accomplished swaroopos. To achieve such blessings from Yogiji Maharaj, it is imperative that we abide by his fundamental principle of maintaining unity, harmony and spiritual friendship. If we practice this principle, then He will be pleased and will reward us with sadhuta – the virtuous qualities of an ascetic.

If we have to be humble or tolerant whilst practising and applying this principle, then we should be pleased. The reason for this is that only by practising humility and tolerance does one attain sadhuta. If we feel that we are being tolerant and have to endure then we are still occupied with déhabhav. But instead, we should welcome such circumstances whereby we have to be tolerant and endure, with the thought that the Lord will be pleased and will alleviate us from such impurities.