
One morning, P. P. Pappaji gazed out of a window witnessing the early morning dawn penetrating the skies, its radiance filling the skies with lustrous light. Closing his eyes, he began to reminisce and pray to the Lord. After bowing to the Lord with respect, he got up and his eyes were captivated by a beautifully adorned calendar with following

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To one who seeks the ultimate Truth If even a spark from the exuberant spiritual knowledge radiating from the spiritual essays in this scripture should enlighten a soul, that soul will become eternally happy and enjoy the peace, bliss and joy of Akshardham. For as long as the earth continues to exist, so shall we. We will continue to exist

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01 – Adhyatmik Samtabhari nirdosh-buddhi sahuma pratyék palé, pratyék prasang ma raho!

May spiritual equanimity combined with Nirdosh-Buddhi be maintained at every moment and every event – Pappa Every member of the Gunatit Samaj sincerely believes and accepts that Shreeji Maharaj is purifying the souls of all samband-wala by utilising their own prarabhdas (fate and destiny) as necessary. Thus, we accept Maharaj as the supreme controller of everyone, and of all events

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02 – Pratyaksh Gunatit Swaroop ni Prapti téj purnahuti

The attainment of the Pratyaksh Gunatit Swaroop is the ultimate achievment. Shreeji Maharaj physically manifests Himself on earth through a Gunatit Swaroop, a sadhu whose whole life is spent in the devotional worship of the Lord. What constitutes this devotional worship? Whoever comes into contact with such a Gunatit Swaroop, irrespective of whether they acknowledge Him with respect or derision,

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03 – Vachnmarut Ghadhda Chéla 26. ké Ghadhda Pratham 27 jéva Sadhu né antaryami mani séviyé téj Nirvikalpa Samadhi

To believe the Gunatit Sant who has achieved the spiritual status prescribed in Vachnamrut G.III.26 and G.I.27 is omniscient – that is ‘ Nirvikal Samadhi’. If we believe the Gunatit Swaroop who has reached the ultimate spiritual status mentioned in Vachnamrut G.III. 26 (known as Vijli jéva sant) and Vachnamrut G.I.27 (Vadvanal jéva sant) to be omniscient; if we live according

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04 – Munjvan, vikshép ké abhav na vichar uthva man asamarth bani jay té Chidakash

‘Chidakash’ is where we become incapable of sustaining any thoughts of dispair, desolation or of taking offense – Pappa. Our sadhana is to maintain our physical body and mind such that they remain in a state known as ‘chidakashrup’ (a heavenly purified state). As long as our ‘chitta’ (emotive mind) engages in pride and attachment, we are occupied with impurities

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05 – Chidakash-roop rahi Parbrahm na sambandhwala samaj ni séva karya karé to chati déhé Akshardham nu sukh anubhavay

Those who serve the Lord’s devotees whilst remaining emmersed in ‘Chidakash’ will experience the peace, bliss and happiness of Akshardham from this moment – Pappa. When the sadhak encounters negative influences such as thoughts which may lead him to take offence (abhav), thoughts of despair and desolation (vickshép) or thoughts which lead to confusion and emotional disturbances (munjvan), if the

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06 – Pratyaksh Bhagwan ané sadhu na mahatmya ni vato nirantar karya karvi té sadhana ni purna-huti

To engage oneself in constant discourses relating to the mahatmya of the Pratyaksh Swaroop (God) and the Sadhu is the pinacle of one’s sadhna – Pappa According to the 1st discourse, Chapter 1 of ‘Swami-ni-Vato’ – we should make a conscious effort to partake in talking of, and listening to, the mahatmya of God and his sadhus. The principal reason

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07 – Gai pal né bhuli jayé, Aavti pal ni chinta na kariyé. Aa pal né Akshardhamrup rahi sanatan banaviyé

Forget the past. Do not worry about the future. Live this moment submerged in divine consciousness and make it eternal – Pappa Our aim is to purify the mind such that it is serene and tranquil and becomes nishkam (desire-less), i.e. it will not be attracted or tempted by any worldly desires or happiness, joys etc. promised by such worldly

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08 – Koi ni kriya na ké prarabhdha na kaji thasho nahi. Banay to surad banjo to prabhu na krupa patra bansho

Do not be the judge of anyone’s actions, fate or destiny. If you can, then practice spiritual friendship. You will be blessed by the Lord – Pappa We have embarked upon the sadhana to attain a state known as ‘brahmrup’ and to worship the Pratyaksh Swaroop known as ‘Parabrahm’ – a sadhana which entails the purification of our souls. This

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09 – Harék prasang né brahm-niyantrit mani, Gunatit na surad bani séva kari layé té sarvopari sthiti

To accept that each event has been instigate by the Lord… To serve the Lord by practicing true spiritual friendship… is the supreme attainment – Pappa Our whole sadhana is concerned with the concept of believing, acknowledging and accepting that the Pratyaksh Swaroop is the inspirer of all events, one who controlls the behaviour of everyone, and also controls our

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10 – Pratyaksh Bhagwan ma ékdhari nirdosh-buddhi é achal bhakti, émna bhakto ma ékdhari nirdosh-buddhi é achal sthiti ~ Gunatit Gnan Samadhi

Relentless nirdosh-buddhi towards the Pratyaksh Swaroop is the supreme worship. Relentless nirdosh-buddhi towards His devotees is the ultimate attainment: Gunatit Gnan Samadhi – Pappa We have been extemely fortunate to discover, recognise and accept the Pratyaksh Swaroop in human form, a swaroop who is in constant communion with God. We have accepted this fact totally – with our heart, mind

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11 – Guruhari ané Guru thi nirantar bharya rahiyé to maya adéj nahi

Remain constantly submerged in the Divine Guru and Guruhari. Thus the crude forces of Maya will not affect you – Pappa The extent of our fortune is beyond comparison because Yogiji Maharaj has bestowed great compassion upon us by forming a divine union between ourselves, our Guru and Guruhari, – a divine bond based on attachment of the hearts, mind,

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12 – Garju thai séva karo, divya-bhav rakhi khamo

Serve with supplication. Endure with divine sentiments – Pappa We are bona fide members of the Gunatit Samaj. All devotees (sambandhwala) are Akshar-muktos, members of Akshardham. They are all souls ‘in the process of purification’. Thus we should endeavour to remain humble and serve the Lord with supplication. This is the ideal means of achieving the ultimate goal. We should

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13 – Khamvu té sadhuta, Khamavvu té prabhuta ké alaukik bhumika

To endure and be tolerant is to be spiritually virtuous. To be the cause of indurance and tolerance is be egotistical (Alaukik Bhumika) – Pappa Our ideal mission is to achieve ‘sadhuta’ – to attain the highest spiritually virtuous qualities. Whilst we remain occupied with our déhabhav, if we are graced by the Lord when he initiates events to obliterate

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14 – Harék sara, matha prasang né smit thi aavkari yé té Gunatit Sthit Pragnata

Shree Hari Jayanti. To welcome each and every occasion, auspicious and melancholy with a light hearted, cheerful spirit is Gunatit Wisdom – Pappa Today, on the anniversary of the birth of Lord Swaminarayan, let us make a solemn vow: ‘Oh Lord, you have clearly stated and explained your inner-most wishes, opinions and expectations in the Vachnamruts Kariyani 10, G. III

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15 – Pratyaksh Vichartu Swaroop jé karya no aarambh karé téma samagra tantra paroviné bhalé téj niskhkam bhakti

To whole-heartedly support and endorse whatever the Pratyaksh Swaroop initiates is selfless devotion – Pappa For us Yogiji Maharaj was, and still is, considered to be the Pratyaksh Gunatit Swaroop. He spent his whole life acknowledging even those muktos with the slightest samband, accepting them as ‘images’ of the Lord and serving them accordingly. He practised and applied the principles

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16 – Harék Prasangé Prabhu néj Upaibhutt karva téj sarvopari no Aashro

In every crisis, to seek guidance and assistance from the Lord, is the supreme refuge – Pappa We have recognised the Supreme Lord as the Sahajanand Swaroop. Only if we accept the Lord to be the ultimate controller of kal, karma, maya, swabhav, prakruti and purush, can we assume our association with Him to be genuine. Thus, when he instigates

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17 – Dil ni Sachay ané antar na undan thi karéli prarthna kadi nishfal jati nathi

Sincere heart-felt prayers from the depths of the soul will never go unheard – Pappa Our sadhana is involved with perfecting our ‘sankalpas’ (prayers with determination) such that we only utilise them positively – known as satya-sankalpa. Also that our determination of praying gains such a divine power that our prayers are always heard by the Lord. Thus it is

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18 – Man jityu téné jagat jityu. Japyagna and Smurti thi Jagrat man jiti jajo. Sukshma no kajiyo swapna ma aavé té tarat bhuli jajo. Prabhu par nakhi déjo

One who has conquered his mind has conquered the world. Conquer your conscious mind with Japyagna and Smruti. Instantly forget the sub-conscious conflicts revealed in your dreams. Allow the Lord to take care of them – Pappa According to the principles of Akshar-Purushottam, to conquer the mind is to acknowledge and accept all those associated with Maharaj i.e. his samband-walas,

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19 – Samp, Surid-bhav, Ékta maté khamvu, namvu padé to té Maharaj ni para-bhakti chhé tém antar thi manjo

If it is necessary to remain tolerant and humble in order to maintain unity, harmony and spiritual friendship, then sincerely believe it to be the supreme worship of the Lord – Pappa In order to accomplish our sadhana, it is imperative that we please Yogiji Maharaj and attain his heart-felt blessings. We can only reach the spiritual status of being

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20 – Man ma Uuthta Amahima na, né moda vicharo né kadhi nakhi, téné nishtha na, mahima na, murti ni smruti na vicharo thi bhari dai (madhi) man-mandir banaviyé

Discard any negative thoughts which plague your mind, replacing them with thoughts of devotion and worship. Transform your mind into a divine temple by filling it with smruti and mahima – Pappa Through the grace of Bapa (Yogiji Maharaj), our physical self has attained the state where it is free from desires (nishkam). This is indicated by the fact that

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21 – Déha na saga maté jévi atma-buddhi né priti chhé tévi satsangi sathé rakhiyé téj swa-dharma

Our true religion is to maintain unity and affections for satsangis – similar to those we have for our own relations – Pappa Due to the compassion, empathy, affections and attachment we hold for our relations, we accept their behaviour charitably and do not bear grudges, even if they insult or offend us. If we establish a similar relationship with

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22 – Swa-dharma ma achal rahya thaka samband-wala ni murti loot-ta aavdi jay té Gunatit Gnan

To master the art of serving and appeasing sambandhwala without sacrificing our convictions and religion is Gunatit Gnan – Pappa The sambandh-walas of Maharaj – devotees of Maharaj – hold a divine attachment with Maharaj as He dwells in their hearts, minds, and souls. Thus, if we assist them in any way, accommodate their needs, if we are helpful and

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23 – Gunatit Samaj na alpa sambandh-wala né nirdosh (brahm-niyantri) mani né vartiyé to nirdosh thai jaiyé

If we believe a member of the Gunatit Samaj with the slightest sambandh to be innocent and controlled by the Lord, then we too will become innocent and pure – Pappa Each and every moment, the supreme Lord controls the fate (prarabhdhas) of every member of the Gunatit Samaj, thus we should believe and accept them to be absolutely innocent.

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24 – Brahm-Swaroop na déha karta ténu nam, ané nam kartay ténu vachan, anant ganu kam karé chhé

The Lords name beholds a greater power then His physical form… But by far the greatest power is embraced in His commands – Pappa Pondering over the memories of the graceful expressions, characteristics, habits and mannerisms of the Brahm-Swaroop manifested in human form alleviates the sadhak from the bonds of worldly impurities and frees him from the worldly attachments. Chanting

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25 – Nishkam karma no badlo ka déhabhav nu darshan ka antar ni shitalta

The reward of practicing Altruism is either the revelation of one’s vices (déhabhav) or the experience of peace and inner tranquility – Pappa We are bona fide members of the Gunatit Samaj and as such live with a consciousness that we belong to the Gunatit Guru, focusing at all times on the wishes and commands of the guru. Thus we

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26 – Prasangé potano dosh nathi jota, tyan sudhi Pratyaksh Prabhu nu karta-harta panu manyu chhéj kya?

As long as we fail to accept our own faults in a crisis, have we truely accepted the Lord as the almight controller who inspires everything and everyone? Pappa The fate and destiny (prarabdhas) of the sadhak who is a member of the Gunatit Samaj, are controlled by the sankalpa of His guru. Thus, at every moment, the sadhak should

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27 – Hut, man, irsha, maya prérit guru karavé toi té man-mukhi; Nirdosh-bhav, séva, surid-bhav, vimukh thaki kariyé toi té Gurumukhi

Pride, stubbornness and jealousy, even if advocated by our Guru are impious and impelled by our evil mind. Nirdoshbhav, seva and spiritual friendship, even if advocated by our enemies are pious and endorsed by our Guru – Pappa Our satsang and sadhana are to independently follow the Gunatit Laws to achieve a spiritual status known as ‘chidakash ni Gnan Samadhi’

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28 – Motap maté no aloch né hak ni ladalad té laukik ké alaukik bhumika, mahatmya-yukt séva maténo aloch ké khéncha-khénch té Akshardham

The desire to achieve recognition or status and the fights for our entitlements depict a laukik or an alaukik stage – any desire or competition with others for humble service portrays Akshardham – Pappa All forms of life, human or animal hold a burning desire to flaunt and exhibit their own status and achievements and go to extreme lengths to

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29 – Pracharéy nahi, bachavéy nahi, vicharéy nahi, Acharaj rakho

Do not preach or promote religion. Do not make excuses or continue to ponder upon it. Simply practice your religion. Actions speak louder than words – Pappa We are very fortunate that we have discovered the ultimate truth in the form of the Gunatit Swaroop. Instead of insisting that others realise and acknowledge that swaroop, if we spent the time

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30 – Sukhé, sukhé Gunatit-bhav ma rahéta thava na saral sadhan; Japyagna, Mahatmya-yukta séva ané surid-bhav

To attain Gunatit-Bhav happily and with ease, japyagna, mahatmya-yukta seva and spiritual friendship are the fundamental keys – Pappa Our sadhana is primarily concerned with attaining a spiritual status whereby our body and mind are constantly in a state known as Gunatit-bhav. To attain this goal easily and smoothly, we will need to practice japyagna to stop the mind from

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31 – Vachnamrut G.III.27 jéva Gunatit sadhu no prasang, man, karma, vachané karvo téj ékantik dharma ké Swaroop-nishtha

True devotion or Ekantik Darma is the total surrender of one’s thoughts, speech and actions to a Gunatit Sadhu who has reached the status prescribed in Vachnamrut G.III.27 – Pappa Shreeji Maharaj has stated in Vachnamrut G. III. 27 that the Lord dwells in any sadhu who observes and upholds the panchvartman – i.e. anyone who is nirmani, nirlobhi, nirswadi,

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