Chapter Twenty-Eight: Genuine Spiritual Unity

Bhavatmak Ékta

The Gunatit Swaroop instigates all events and circumstances, inspires and is the supreme controller of all elements affecting all acquaintances of God (sabandhwala).  Just as He controls your destiny and inspires you, by the same token  it must be accepted that He controls and inspires others.

There are many such Gunatit Swaroopos in the Gunatit Samaj, each with many followers and each with his/her own unique method of purifying them so they become brahmroop i.e. ego-less irrespective of whether the folowers are satvik, rajsik or tamsik. Thus we should not form opinions about them based on their  vices or virtues. You must not dwell on thoughts such as ‘I am a sinner, attached  to worldly desires and greedy’  which reflect on your faults.  Nor should you ponder on thoughts such as ‘I am sincere, innocent, righteous, knowledgeable’ which reflect on your own virtues.

You should ponder and reflect on the virtues of God and continue to think of His glory.  Thus acceptance of  God as the supreme controller of our own and others’ destiny is genuine unity.  Then act as you feel appropriate.