Chapter Twenty-Three: Diversity in Unity

Vividhta ma Ékta

“Every ékantik brother and sister shall have his/her pattern and method of leading, or taking his or her followers to the position of Brahm-swaroop”.

Presently, Bapa has acquainted us with many such accomplished swaroopos; which includes santos, benos, yuvakos or grahastos who are known as ‘vijli jéva santos’.  They are all tasked with the mission of taking their followers to the supreme status as mentioned above and do so in their own divine yet unique way.  Some swaroopos will grant their followers wishes with respect to worldly desires, whilst other will strictly deny them.  However, both techniques will ultimately achieve spiritual progress for the followers in question.

Maharaj has acquainted each follower with the most appropriate swaroop for his needs and whose techniques are in harmony with the nature and requirements of that follower.

Thus everyone else should recognise such differing techniques, respect and honour their methods and give encouragement without any hint of criticism or sarcasm.

If their conviction, worship or devotion toward the Lord Swaminarayan (Akshar-purushotam) appears to fluctuate then one can give friendly advice or pray that they should be inspired by the Lord – but should definitely not be malicious or contemptuous.

If they appear to be neglecting the rules of  ‘panchvartman (i.e. NirmaniNishkamiNirlobhiNirsnéhiNirswadi) – then one can surely forewarn them in a  friendly manner, nevertheless it should be done in privacy.  Otherwise one should pray that Maharaj grants them the strength required to endure such experiences.

One should be careful to sing the praises and glory only if one truly believes and accepts them.  If one begins to sing false praises, i.e. where such praises do not really exist, one is participating in insincere flattery and hypocritical behaviour. This should not be practised, instead we should sincerely sing the praises according to the degree experienced.  One should recognise the ‘sambandh of the devotee with Bapa as his main virtue. That he has been selected by the Lord is ultimately the most important factor, thus if one can see his faults, one should try to disregard them.

Thus unity within the Gunatit Samaj will be secured.