24 – Brahm-Swaroop na déha karta ténu nam, ané nam kartay ténu vachan, anant ganu kam karé chhé

The Lords name beholds a greater power then His physical form… But by far the greatest power is embraced in His commands – Pappa

Pondering over the memories of the graceful expressions, characteristics, habits and mannerisms of the Brahm-Swaroop manifested in human form alleviates the sadhak from the bonds of worldly impurities and frees him from the worldly attachments. Chanting His name – performing japyagna relieves the soul from the mundane worldly forces and frees him from his déhabhav – i.e. intrinsic impurities. Performing japyagna and remaining submerged in the divine Lord gives us the strength to remain unaffected by compliments or insults, happiness or misery. However, abiding by the Lord’s principles, and living each moment according to his commands, i.e. vachan and agna – not only liberates the sadhak from his déhabhav, but also transforms his life such that it is saturated with and thus radiates brahmbhav. The Lord will bestow great compassion on the sadhak and will dwell in his heart. Once the sadhak has established an affinity with the ‘vijli jéva sant’ – i.e. the Gunatit Swaroop such that he is deeply attached with his heart, mind and intellect and he begins to live according to the wishes of the Swaroop, albeit in his own way, led by his ang.

His ang i.e. his fundamental characteristics will be one of the following:

  • Samjan nu ang – predominantly intellectual – actions are led by the mind.
  • Priti nu ang – predominantly emotional – actions are led by the heart.
  • Dasatva nu ang – also known as vishwas nu ang – actions are based on trust.

If that sadhak proceeds to live according to the inspiration of his guru and Maharaj and endeavours sincerely to neglect his own ego and pride, discards his own ways and beliefs, does not get involved with the rights and wrongs, fairness and unfairness, but proceeds to surrender completely to the Lord – then he will be blessed. He will be rewarded with divine vision such that He will witness the Lord in everyone – the ultimate pinnacle will have been attained. He will be able to accept all sambandh-walas as ‘souls in the process of purification’.