Know your inclination (Ang)

If we have the conviction that we have attained the supreme God in manifest form then we must find our own method that will allow us to surrender to Him unreservedly with our heart and soul. Everyone will have their own way of approaching and staying in God. Some will worship God in a manner as if strolling through a park in a care free manner, whilst others will want to reach the ultimate spiritual destination quickly at the speed of a jet plane. Guruhari Pappaji used to say that for those who want to take their time, they should not be criticised, and for those who want to finish their sadhana rapidly, they should not be held back. All we need to do is to collectively support each other in our sadhana with ekta (unity).


The way in which we approach God will be based upon our inclination or ang, which are of three types:

  • Samjan nu ang – intelligence with actions based upon spiritual understanding and knowledge
  • Priti nu ang – spiritual love with actions based upon emotions and sentiment
  • Dasatva/vishwas nu ang – servitude with actions based upon complete trust.


We should know what inclination we have because this will help us to take refuge in God in a manner that best suits our attributes. For example, Guruhari Pappaji’s inclination was based upon samjan whilst Yogiji Maharaj’s inclination was based upon dasatva.  


Some people suggest that a certain ang is better than another, but actually all the angs have strengths and weaknesses. For example, even those with a samjan nu ang who possess considerable spiritual understanding, with such intelligence often comes ego and the belief that they know everything and so are superior. Pappaji Maharaj often said that it is impossible for those with samjan nu ang to realise God! What He meant was that even though someone has spiritual knowledge, without surrendering the ego and becoming a das, we cannot realise God. Likewise there are strengths and weaknesses with priti and dasatva nu angs. Even though one of the inclinations will always be predominant in us through which we dedicate ourselves to Guruhari, in order to perfect our devotion and overcome any weaknesses in our devotion, we need to develop the positive attributes of all three angs.  For example, those with priti nu ang can become upset if their expectations of personal contact with their guru or Guruhari are not fulfilled, and so by applying a thought process of spiritual understanding (samjan) this negativity can be overcome.


Shreeji Maharaj has emphasised in Vachanamrut G II 2 the importance of recognising our own inclination. In particular He has stated that when we face difficult times in our sadhana, we should fall back on our ang. That is, when we find it hard to stay in Maharaj when our crude nature, desires, swabhav dominate us and we feel munjvan, vikshep ane abhav, then we should rely upon our ang to come out of such negativity so that we can remain steadfast in God. This is why in our Mahapuja that we pray that by using our ang may we maintain a divine vision and do seva, also, if we become distressed by any incident then again as per our own ang we carry out bhajan from our inner most being so that we see Maharaj as the all doer in all circumstances.


Without holding back, without any hesitation or reservation let us use our inclination to the fullest and dedicate our whole being to Pappaji Maharaj:

  • Samjan – meditate on Guruhari as Maharaj through knowledge
  • Priti – do constant smruti of His physical form, actions and gestures
  • Dasatva – submerge ourselves in seva of Guruhari and His bhakto


Let us surrender to Him with extraordinary spiritual intelligence, with extraordinary spiritual love and with extraordinary spiritual servitude so that we become brahmrup and realise God in human form – may He then do His work through us.