Chapter Eight: Do or Die

Karéngé ya maréngé

If anything should happen to your physical body – even if it should die, do not be concerned.  We have changed our bodies innumerable times.  However, do not allow your desire to accomplish the goal of Ékantik Dharma die under any circumstances.  This desire must be kept alive at all costs. 

It is a well known fact that in our sadhna – in our spiritual quest to achieve the ultimate goal, our gurus will do everything necessary.  We need not do anything but patiently keep complete faith, divyabhav and take refuge in our gurus(Prapatiyog).  Accept whatever happens as a necessary part of the sadhna.  Simply wait patiently and watch as a witness for whatever is happening is a part of the purification process and is a requirement in order to reach the ultimate goal.  If the sadhak finds it difficult to cope and cannot endure the purification of his déhabhav, he should absorb himself injapyagna.  His inner déhabhav will retaliate and cause the sadhak great feelings of disturbance and desolation. The sadhak should try to ignore these feelings and remain light-hearted and happy in the knowledge that the present state is only a phase of his sadhana, it will pass. The sadhak should remain patient and pray.  This is the only requirement for the sadhak – he does not need to do anything else.

If we consider those who became god-realised saints (Bhagatji-Maharaj, Jaga-Swami, Krishnaji-Ada), it is clear that Maharaj or Gunatitanand Swami did not have any pre-requisite conditions set out for them alone to be made into god-realised saints or their heirs.  There were many others in that era who did not achieve this supreme status – but the above mentioned who were although humble and meek, practised the Gunantit laws laid down by Maharaj and they became the successors.  Whomsoever neglects the ego, remains ever humble towards Maharaj and his devotees, does not dwell upon virtues or vices and is constantly absorbed in  God – he shall be made an heir of  Maharaj.  Even if he is a sinner, is sly, mean or deceptive and in worldly terms  not considered worthy or appropriate to be an heir, Maharaj will pardon him and will overlook these faults.