Chapter Nineteen: Spiritual Filter

Adhyatmik Gurni

You should be ever faithful and sincere to Sahajanand Swami, constantly analysing yourself, your sentiments, convictions and actions thus remaining in chidakash.  As soon as a thought occurs, you should analyse it, filtering it to see if it enhances your devotion to God.  Otherwise discard it.  If  the thought lends itself to devotion which has no ulterior motive, and results in total self-less devotion then take the necessary actions using all your mind, soul and skills.  Remain aware and alert in this way and act accordingly.

If a thought or feeling of emotion is deemed to be an act of self-less devotion then it should be put into action ensuring that it has been executed exactly, clearly and thoroughly before allowing further thoughts to occur.  Be result-orientated.

If you practice this with 100% conviction then you will constantly experience the inner peace, bliss and tranquillity and a positive frame of mind.  Your spiritual equanimity will never falter.  You will be in a constant state of gnan-samadhi, experiencing a one-ness with God and be able to see the leela as and when deemed necessary by the Lord.

You will experience miracle upon miracle as per the 11th discourse, Chapter 3 of Swamini-Vato.  You will rejoice in the work of Maharaj and feel totally elated with the peace and bliss of remaining in, and experiencing, a one-ness with Maharaj.