
AbhavTo dislike, to take offence to condemn.
AkshardhamAbode of God, Eternal abode of Lord Swaminarayan.
AlaukikDivine, extraordinary; supernatural; rare.
BrahmThe Supreme  being as the emblem of truth; knowledge and eternal bliss.
BhaktiWorship, devotion or service of God.
ChidakashEternal light of Brahma.
DéhaPhysical body.
ÉkantikSingle minded devotee- enlightened soul with intense aspiration and attachment to God only.
GnanSpiritual Knowledge.
Gnan SamadhiHighest State  of samadhi in which the aspirant realises his total one-ness with God.
GrahustosMarried  couples of the Gunatit Samaj.
Gunatit BhavTranscendental eternal state of consciousness or divyabhav with equanimity.
Gunatit santA saint who is above the three modes of nature.
GuruSpiritual Guide , a saint who has rapport with God.
JapyagnaConstant chanting of the Swaminarayan mantra.
KalPresent age of chaos, conflicts etc.
KamYearning desire, a passion for sensual happiness or pleasure, lust.
KarmaAction entailing its consequences.
LauvkikWorldly ordinary as pertaining to popular practice, custom or traditions.
LeelaTo recognise and accept Maharaj as the all mighty controller of everyone and everything.
LobhGreed, avarice, covetous, intense longing, passion for possession.
LokWorldly opinion.
MahamanuvPerson with super human qualities.
MahatmyaGlory of God & His devotees, deep respect for devotees of God.
ManPride- also a desire to acquire fame, respect, credit or goodwill.
Manushya-bhavTo see human nature or tendencies working in Divine Entities.
MayaOne of the five eternal entities.
MayikMortal qualities, worldly qualities.
MunjvanDistress and  emotional disturbances.
MurtiAn idol, a deity or sadhu who is worshipped.
Nirdosh-budhiSpiritual Divine acceptance.
Nirgun dhamBeyond the control of three gurnos.
NirlobhiOne who is free of greediness, uncovetous.
NirmaniOne who is humble, has no desire to acquire respect or fame.
NirsnéhiOne who is free from attachments.
NirswadiOne who has no choices ie regarding tastes or interest.
NishkamiOne who has no inner urge, desire, no passion, and  non-lusty. One who acts without ulterior motives.  Completely un-selfish.
PanchvartmanThe five great vows ie nirmani, nirswadi, nirshéni, nishkami, nirlobhi
Param Bhagwat santSpiritual symbol of the divine power or God-head.
ParbrahmGod, the ultimate reality
Prakruti PurushCrude, natural forces of the world
PrarabhdasFate or and destiny.
Pratyaksh Personified, living divine being.
Pratyaksh SwaroopThe person that has attained equivalence and identification with Aksharbrahm and is in permanent communion with Parbrahm.
RajogurnIntense passion in worldly activities, covetous, greedy.
SadhakA true devotee, Aspirant.
SadhanaEffort or practices necessary to realise one’s spiritual goal:  self discipline.
SamadhiA super conscious state, trance.
SambandhwalaRelation of God – devotees.
Sankalp shaktiDetermination, consent of the will, wish  or desire for something.
SatvagurnQualities of righteousness, integrity, morality, honesty and decency.
SévaServices tendered without selfish motives.
SmurtiTo remember, recollect memories of God – Pratyaksh Swaroop.
SnéhaLove & affections.
Surad sathiSpiritual friendship.
SwabhavOne’s own intrinsic characteristics – one’s instincts.
SwadSense of taste, a fondness of certain foods, interest in certain things.
TamogurnEasily angered, hot tempered, ignorant.
VickshépEmotion state of unhappiness, gloom despondency & dejection .
Vijli Jéva santGunatit Swaroop.
14 Lok & 51 BhuttElements of our spiritual self which must  be ultimately  purified.
14 Lok & 51 BhuttElements of our spiritual self which must  be ultimately  purified.
AbhavTo dislike, to take offence to condemn.
AcharsahintaModern day interpretation of Shikshapatri containing the moral, ethical, social and spiritual code of conduct for members of the Gunatit Samaj
AgnaA command, an order or an instruction.
Agna-dhari GrahasthMarried couples who have devoted their lives to the service of God.
Akshar -PurushottamGunatitanand Swami & The Lord Swaminarayan also known as Sahajanand Swami.
AkshardhamAbode of God, Eternal abode of Lord Swaminarayan.
AlaukikDivine, extraordinary; supernatural; rare.
AmahimaNegative, pessimistic thoughts – thoughts of criticism.
AngThe fundamental characteristic
AntahkaranThe four inner instruments of the mind, intellect, emotive mind and ego (man, buddhi, chitta and ahum)
AashroTo seek refuge in the Lord or the Gunatit Swaroop
Atyantik KalyanUltimate redemption of the soul achieved by attaining the state of  brahmroop
BhaktiWorship, devotion or service of God.
AbhavTo dislike, to take offence to condemn.
BrahmThe Supreme  being as the emblem of truth; knowledge and eternal bliss.
Brahm-bhavVirtuous qualities.
Brahm-niyantritInstigated & Controlled by Brahm.
BrahmrupOneness or identification with God
ChidakashEternal light of Brahma.
ChidakashrupA heavenly purified State
ChittaEmotive mind
DéhPhysical body.
DéhaPhysical body.
DéhabhavImpurities of the soul.
Divya-bhavDivine vision, relating to everyone amicably and harmoniously
DrashtaFocus point of one’s life.
ÉkantikSingle minded devotee-  enlightened soul with intense aspiration and attachment to God only.
Ékantik DharmaTrue Worship
GnanSpiritual Knowledge.
Gnan SamadhiHighest state of samadhi in which the aspirant realises his total one-ness with God.
GrahasthMarried  couples of the Gunatit Samaj.
GrahustosMarried  couples of the Gunatit Samaj.
Guatit SamajA fellowship of divine enlightened souls.
Gunatit BhavTranscendental eternal state of consciousness or divyabhav with equanimity.
Gunatit SamajThe divine society of enlightened souls.
Gunatit santA saint who is above the three modes of nature.
Gunatit SwaroopOne who has attained equivalence and identification with the Parabrahm and is in permanent communion with God.
GuruSpiritual Guide , a sadhu who has  established a rapport with God.
GuruhariAn Incarnation of God
IndriyasFive sense organs
JapyagnaConstant chanting of the Swaminarayan mantra.
KalPresent age of chaos, conflicts etc.
KalyanUltimate Redemption of the soul.
KamYearning desire, a passion for sensual happiness or pleasure, lust.
KarmaAction entailing its consequences.
LauvkikWorldly ordinary as pertaining to popular practice, custom or traditions.
LeelaTo recognise and accept Maharaj as the all mighty controller of everyone and everything.
LobhGreed, avarice, covetous, intense longing, passion for possession.
LokWorldly opinion.
Maha-manavPerson with super human qualities.
MahatmyaGlory of God & His devotees, deep respect for devotees of God.
Mahatmya-yukt sévaService with selfless devotion.
MahimaGlory of God (see mahatmya)
ManPride- also a desire to acquire fame, respect, credit or goodwill.
ManmukhiInspiration from the mind – ie not inspired by ‘brahm
Manushya-bhavTo see human nature or tendencies working in Divine Entities.
MayaOne of the five eternal entities.
MayikMortal qualities, worldly qualities.
Mukta / MutktoDevotees
MunjvanDistress and  emotional disturbances.
MurtiAn idol, a deity or sadhu who is worshipped.
NaamName or reputation.
Nirdosh-budhiSpiritual Divine acceptance.
NirdoshbhavSpiritually divine acceptance.
Nirgun dhamBeyond the control of three gurnos.
NirlobhiOne who is free of greediness, uncovetous.
NirmaniOne who is humble, has no desire to acquire respect or fame.
NirsnéhiOne who is free from attachments.
NirswadiOne who has no choices ie regarding tastes or interest.
NirvasnikFree from worldly desires and attachments
Nirvikalpa SamadhiA state where the soul has no reservations or doubts, only total surrender.
NishkamiOne who has no inner urge, desire, passion, or  carnal lust. One who acts without ulterior motives.  Completely un-selfish.
PanchvartmanThe five great vows ie nirmani, nirswadi, nirshéni, nishkami, nirlobhi
Para-BhaktiSupreme Worship
Param Bhagwat santSpiritual symbol of the divine power or God-head.
Param-hansasAscetics / Sadhus.
ParbrahmGod, the ultimate reality
Prakruti PurushCrude, natural forces of the world
PrapatiyogPrapatiyog is the total dependence on the pratyaksh swaroop – it means placing total  faith in Him
Pratyaksh Personified, living divine being.
Pratyaksh SwaroopThe person that has attained equivalence and identification with Aksharbrahm and is in permanent communion with Parbrahm.
RajogurnRajsikIntense passion in worldly activities, covetous, greedy.
SabhaA gathering – a congregation for the purpose of worship.
SadhakA true devotee, Aspirant.
SadhnaEffort or practices necessary to realise one’s spiritual goal:  self discipline.
SadhuAn ascetic.
SadhutaVirtuous qualities of an ascetic
SamadhiA super conscious state, trance.
Samagam To seek spiritual guidance.
SambandhwalaRelation of God – devotees.
Sankalp shaktiDetermination, consent of the will, wish  or desire for something.
SankalpaPrayers with determination.
SatsangHoly fellowship
SatsangiA follower of the Swaminarayan faith.
SatvagurnSatvikQualities of righteousness, integrity, morality, honesty and decency.
SévaServices tendered without selfish motives.
ShikshapatriTotal code of conduct as prescribed by Lord Swaminarayan.
Shreeji MaharajLord Swaminarayan
SmrutiTo remember, recollect memories of God – Pratyaksh Swaroop.
SnéhLove & affections.
SnéhaLove & affections.
Surad sathiSpiritual friendship.
SwabhavOne’s own intrinsic characteristics – one’s instincts.
SwadSense of taste, a fondness of certain foods, interest in certain things.
SwadharmaOne’s own morals, principles and religion.
Swami-ni-VatoA holy scripture which embodies the teachings of Swami Shree GunatitanandaSwami in his own words.
TamogurnTamsikEasily angered, hot tempered, ignorant.
Tyagi SantoAscetic Saints who have renounced all worldly attachments and have devoted their lives to the service of God.
Vairagyadetachment, having no love for the world or its pleasures
VachanCommand, principle.
VachnamrutThe holy Scripture of the Swaminarayan religion.  The Vachanamruts are the actual discourses of Lord Swaminarayan to his disciples. 
Vadvanal Jéva santGunatit Swaroop
VasnaWorldly desires. 
VickshépEmotional state of unhappiness, gloom despondency & dejection .
Vijli Jéva santGunatit Swaroop.
Vrat-dhari BrothersMale aspirants Saints who have renounced all worldly attachments and have devoted their lives to the service of God.
Vrat-dhari SistersFemale aspirants Saints who have renounced all worldly attachments and have devoted their lives to the service of God.
PrarabhdhasPast Destiny
Priti nu angOne of the four fundamental Characteristics
Das-atwa nu angOne of the four fundamental Characteristics
Gnan nu angOne of the four fundamental Characteristics
Prapati nu angOne of the four fundamental Characteristics
Brahm SwaroopOne who has attained equivalence and identification with the Parabrahm and is in permanent communion with God.
SuridbhavSpiritual Friendship
SévakA humble servant
ShabdatitTo become immune to words 
BhavatitTo become immunt to emotions or feelings
VrutiInner-most desires / impurities of the soul
Nirgun Without virtues or qualities
AtmaThe soul
UpasanaWorship / Devotion
SwaroopyogDaily ritutal of prayers
jivEmbodied soul
Dhoon Chanting of the Swaminarayan Mantra
Purushottam NarayanThe Lord Swaminarayan also know Shreeji Maharaj.
DarshanSeeing with reverence or devotion
SamajA fellowship of divine enlightened souls.
MokshUlimate redemption of the soul
Aksharthe eternal abode of God – in whom God dwells constantly 
Brahm-charyato remain sub-merged in Brahm
Sangarthanbhav – divine friendship
ahum / ahankarego
jivbhav  the ego – our innermost self 
kusangnegative influence
tyagTo renounce / to neglect 
PrapatiyogTotal dependence on the Pratyaksh Swaroop
swaroop- nishtha 
Brahm Swaroop 
PritiAttachment / fondness / love
Kalyan-dataThe redeemer
jagrattaalertness / awareness
sukhéhappily, free from harships
dukhmisery / misfortune / distress / gloom etc
dukhésadly, with torment, grief and hardships etc
Swaroop- nishthaAbsolute conviction and faith in the Swaroop