Chapter Fifteen – Glossary

Aarti  – The act of moving the right hand with a lighted lamp in a circular movement in front of the deity and ringing a bell with the left hand singing the glories of God.

Abhav  – To dislike, to take offence, to condemn.

Agna  – To command or issue an order.

Agri Orient  – A fertiliser company where Babubhai and Dadubhai were directors.

Aham / Ahamkar  – Ego, pride.

Akshardéri  – A temple erected on the place where final rites of Aksharmurti Gunantitanand Swami were performed in Gondal, Gujarat.

Aksharbrahm  – One who is in constant communion with God.

Akshardham  – Abode of God. Eternal abode of Lord Swaminarayan.

Aksharmukta – Emancipated soul, one devoted to the service of God, ékantik.

AlauvkikDivine, extraordinary, supernatural, and rare.

Amayik – Super-human qualities.


Anga – A characteristic of a devotee of which there are four :

Vishwas  – One who has indomitable faith in God

Samjan/Gnani  – One who has fully attained the knowledge of God’s ever-transcendental form

PritiOne who has devotion with exuberant love

AntahkaranComposite form of mind, intellect, ego. The four inner instruments of the mind, intellect, emotive mind and ego (Mun, buddhi, chitta and aham).


Arjun – One of the Pandavas, devotee of Lord Krishna.

Avtar or Avtari PurushIncarnation of God.

Bapa/Yogi Bapa – H.D.H. Yogiji Maharaj.

BenosSisters of Gunatit Jyot who have dedicated their lives to the service of God.

Bhabhi – Sister-in-law (brother’s wife)

Bhaios – Brothers of the Gunatit Samaj

Bhajans – Devotional songs, hymns.

Bhakta – Worshipper, devotee of God.

Bhakti – Worship, devotion or service to God.

Bhavatit – One who has attained a spiritual status where good or bad emotions / feelings do not affect him. Beyond emotions.

Brahm – The Supreme Being as the emblem of truth; knowledge and eternal bliss.

Brahma Swaroop – The soul that has attained equivalence & identification with Aksharbrahm and is in permanent communion with Parabrahm

Brahma-roop – Oneness with or identification with eternal God.

Brahma vidya – Spiritual knowledge.

Brahma-Gnani – Knowledge of Brahm and Parbrahm in full divinity.

Brahmi-sthiti  – State of dwelling in Brahman.

Buddhi – Intellectual Mind.

Chintvan – Meditation; to think deeply, to ponder and reflect.

Chitta – Emotive mind.

Darshan – A glimpse of a saint, an idol or a deity, vision. Seeing with reverence or adoration.

Dasatvabhav – To act with humility.

Dhabo – A friendly pat on the back given by sadhus to devotees signifying blessings.

Dharma – The religion; the most essential duty; the law of righteousness; that which holds an individual or society together.

Divyabhav – Divine disposition.

Drashta – The embodied soul; the one who sees or witnesses.

Drashya – An outer image or vision.

Ékantik – Single-minded devotee, enlightened soul ; with intense aspiration and attachment to God only.

Ékantik Bhakti – Single minded worship and intense love towards God and His saints.

Gadi Rotlee – A chapatti made with a sweet filling.

Garba – Traditional Indian folk dance.

Gnan-nishtha – Conviction based on spiritual knowledge.

Gnan-Samadhi – The highest state of samadhi in which the aspirant realises his total one-ness with God.

Gondal – The Swaminarayan Temple which was Yogiji Maharaj’s favourite temple – where he spent much of His life.

Grahusta – Married person

Ghustos – Married couples of the Gunatit Samaj.

Gunatit – One who is above the three modes of nature.

Gunatit Samaj – The Divine society of enlightened & liberated souls.

Gunatitbhav – Transcendental eternal state of consciousness or divyabhav with equanimity.

Gunatit Swaroop – One who has attained equivalence & identification with Aksharbrahm in permanent communion with Parabrahm.

Gurnbuddhi – Intellect used to judge the deeds of Gunatit Swaroop, taking offence if the deeds do not seem moral or honest.

Guruhari – Incarnation of God.

Het-nishtha – Conviction based on love for God.

Indriyas – Five sense organs.

Jiv – The embodied soul, the mind, the heart, the spirit.

Jivatma – Illusory consciousness or ignorant consciousness of the self.

Jivbhav  – Physical identification with soul or spirit.

Kal – Present age of chaos and conflicts. Also known as the dark age of the four ages.

Kalyan – Ultimate redemption of the soul.

Kam – Yearning desire, a passion for sensual happiness or pleasure, lust.

Karma – Actions; action entailing its consequences.

Karmayog – Working life.

Katha – Spiritual or religious discourses.

Krupa – Compassion, mercy, pity; favour.

Kurukshétra – The battlefield where the epic war between the Pandavas and Kauvravas took place in the time of Lord Krishna.

Lauvkik – Worldly ;ordinary ; as pertaining to popular practice, custom or traditions.

Lobh – Greed, avarice, covetous, intense longing, passion for possession.

Lok – Worldly opinion of oneself.

Mahapuja – Adoration of god with full vedic rites – special kind of puja.

Mahima Mahatmya – Glory of God. Glory of God and his devotees, deep respect for devotees of God.

Man – Pride. A desire to acquire fame, respect, credit or goodwill.

Manushyabhav – To see human nature or tendencies in the divine Gunatit Swaroop.

Maya – One of the five eternal entities.

Mayik – Mortal qualities, worldly qualities.

Moksha – Ultimate redemption.

Mukto – Liberated souls.

Mumukshu – Spiritual aspirant – one seeking salvation or redemption of his soul.

Mun – The mind.

Murti – An idol, a deity or sadhu who is worshipped.

Murti-dharak – One who is in constant communion with Gunatit Satpurush – who can mediate and hold the power of the idol such that he can utilise it to accomplish whatever he wishes.

Nirdoshbhav – Spiritual divine sentiment.

Nirgurn – Beyond the control of the three gurnos(Rajogun, Tamogun, Satvagun) – Elemental qualities of nature.

Nirlobhi – One who is free of greediness, uncovetous.

Nirmani – One who is humble, has no desire to acquire fame, respect. One who is free of pride.

Nirshéhi – One who is free from attachments.

Nirswadi – One who has no choices i.e. regarding tastes or interest .

Nirvikalpa – A trance or samadhi in which the soul has no reservations or doubts. Total surrender.

Nirvikalpa Nischay – Unadulterated faith.

Nischay – A determination – a decision.

Nishkam – One having no inner urge or desires, no passion, non-lusty. One who acts without ulterior motives. Completely un-selfish.

Nishtha – Single minded conviction in God.

Panchvishay – The objects of the five sense organs i.e. Man, Swad, Snéha, Lobh, Kam – the five vices.

Parabrahm – The Supreme Being. Incarnation of God. Known as Parabrahm Purushottam Narayan

Parayan – Reading of religious scriptures within a limited period.

Paroksh – Divine entity which no longer exists physically.

Prakruti – Primordial crude nature.

Prakruti-purush – Crude, natural forces of the world.

Prasadi – Consecrated food; a gift from a deity, sadhu or a saint ; a momento.

Pratyaksh – Personified, living divine being.

Rajogun – Intense passion in worldly activities, covetous, greedy.

Sabdatit – One who has attained a spiritual status where good or bad words do not affect him. – Beyond word.

Sabhakhund – Hall in a temple where prayers are performed.

Sadhna – Efforts or practices necessary to realise one’s spiritual goal; self-discipline and arduous efforts for the attainment of God and self-realisation.

Sadhu – A saint, an ascetic.

Sakshat – In the physical form; incarnate.

Sakshatkar – Realisation, objective perception.

Samadhi – A super conscious state, trance.

Samaiya – Religious festivals.

Sankalpa – Determination; consent of the will, wish or desire for something.

Sanstha – Establishment, a religious institution, an association.

Satpurush – God realised Saint; one who has established rapport with God.

Satsang – The communion with the Saint, Holy fellowship.

Satsangi – A follower of the Swaminarayan faith.

Satvagun – Qualities of righteousness, integrity, morality, honesty and decency.

Satvikta – Quality of morality and honesty.

Savikalpa – A trance or samadhi in which the soul has some reservations or some doubts.

Seva – Services tendered without selfish motives.

Shikshapatri – Scriptures originally written by Lord Swaminaryan.

Snéha – Love and affection.

Sparshan – Divine touch.

Swad – Sense of taste, a fondness of certain foods, Interest in certain things.

Swadharma – One’s own principles and rules. One’s own religion.

Tamogun – Easily angered, hot-tempered; ignorant.

The Lodge – A restaurant where one could eat regular meals.

Ukado – Mixture of milk and water with spices.

Upsham – Peace, tranquillity.

Vartman – Initiation of devotees in the fellowship.

Vatu – Spiritual discourse.

Vimukh Prakran – Process of segregation.

Vruti – Deep desires.

Yuvakos – Youths of the Gunatit Samaj.