03 – Vachnmarut Ghadhda Chéla 26. ké Ghadhda Pratham 27 jéva Sadhu né antaryami mani séviyé téj Nirvikalpa Samadhi

To believe the Gunatit Sant who has achieved the spiritual status prescribed in Vachnamrut G.III.26 and G.I.27 is omniscient – that is ‘ Nirvikal Samadhi’.

If we believe the Gunatit Swaroop who has reached the ultimate spiritual status mentioned in Vachnamrut G.III. 26 (known as Vijli jéva sant) and Vachnamrut G.I.27 (Vadvanal jéva sant) to be omniscient; if we live according to that Swaroop’s commands with faith reflected in our thoughts, deeds and actions, then we have attained ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’.

If we become as deeply attached to such a swaroop with all our heart, intellect and soul as we are with our own self, then that Gunatit Swaroop will dwell permanently within our soul and we will begin to live according to His wishes. We will be constantly aware that we belong to the Gunatit swaroop and everything that we do, will be with the intention of pleasing Him.

Maharaj has described such sadhaks in Vachnamrut G. III. 11 and Vachnamrut G. II. 14. as having attained a ‘samadhi’. Such devotees will experience the tranquillity, peace and bliss which is experienced in ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’.