12 – Garju thai séva karo, divya-bhav rakhi khamo

Serve with supplication. Endure with divine sentiments – Pappa

We are bona fide members of the Gunatit Samaj. All devotees (sambandhwala) are Akshar-muktos, members of Akshardham. They are all souls ‘in the process of purification’. Thus we should endeavour to remain humble and serve the Lord with supplication. This is the ideal means of achieving the ultimate goal. We should aim to achieve 100% marks for whatever séva we perform. To ensure that our séva is accepted by Gunatit, we should endure everything and tolerate everyone by maintaining divya-bhav (divine sentiments).

In order to ascertain whether we have performed the séva with the sole intention of pleasing Bapa or with some ulterior motive, Bapa will himself test us. He will deliberately utilise anyone, inspiring them to criticise, condemn or protest about the séva we have performed and will watch to see our reaction.

If we remain alert, acknowledge that Bapa is the inspirer and has inspired that person to test us, if we endure such tests with humility, then whatever we do to help us to endure is worship. As we continue to endure, we will gradually find that we can face any criticism or sarcasm without allowing it to affect our inner peace and tranquillity. Our ego will have been obliterated – our intellect and soul will have been purified.