26 – Prasangé potano dosh nathi jota, tyan sudhi Pratyaksh Prabhu nu karta-harta panu manyu chhéj kya?

As long as we fail to accept our own faults in a crisis, have we truely accepted the Lord as the almight controller who inspires everything and everyone? Pappa

The fate and destiny (prarabdhas) of the sadhak who is a member of the Gunatit Samaj, are controlled by the sankalpa of His guru. Thus, at every moment, the sadhak should remain alert and aware that when he encounters an incident, be it favourable or detrimental, which may cause him feelings of attachment or aversion, he should endeavour to accept his own fault. He should accept that it is a vice, that he is unable to remain submerged in Gunatit-bhav, accept the existence of his own ego or déhabhav, accept the Lord as the supreme being and pray for deliverance from these vices. He should pray sincerely to be purified and believe that the Lord caused the whole incident purely to highlight even the slightest déhabhav. Thus he should take the whole episode positively and feel indebted to the Lord and other participants of the incident for revealing his shortcomings.

Only if we take such incidents positively, have we accepted Shreeji Maharaj as the supreme Lord, as prescribed in Vachnamrut G.I.62, G.III.2, G.III.30, G.II.13. Thus sadhakos should always remain aware and alert and form a natural habit of accepting that the Lord contrives all events for their benefit.