Chapter Eleven: Qualities of Seeking Refuge in a God -Realised Saint

Drudh Ashra na lakshan Continuously perform the service of the Lord as inspired by Him.  Even if you should attain a spiritual status equivalent to that of a god-realised saint, do not withdraw from the service.  Sustain the desire to continue in the service of the lord until you take your final breath.  Yogi Bapa was a prime example of one who practised

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Chapter Twelve: Constant Flow of Mahatmya

Mahatmya ni akhand Dhara ‘Jago ré ….. jago ré ….. sukh no suraj ugyo ré..’- Arise! awake! rejoice !! ….. the sun of happiness and bliss has risen. We have found and recognised Pratyaksh Maharaj in the Gunatit Swaroops (the god-realised saints) and they have accepted us as their own, and enrolled us as members of the Gunatit Samaj.  We have been fortunate enough to realise

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Chapter Thirteen: The Essence of all Scriptures

Sakal shastra no sar Dear Muktos of the Gunatit Samaj, Are you a member of the Gunatit Samaj?  From the  moment you establish an affinity with a Gunatit Swaroop, i.e. a god-realised saint who is in constant communion with God and surrender to such a swaroop with your heart, mind and soul, living each moment as inspired by that swaroop and for the service of the Lord, you are

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Chapter Fourteen: The Importance of Friendship

Maitri nu mahatva All those who have been selected by a genuine brahm–swaroop will have their prarabhdas (fate) directed and ordained by the swaroop as is deemed necessary for the  purification of their soul.  This is a continuous process driven by the prayers and sankalpas of the brahm–swaroop which we call ‘sakar brahm ni leela’ – otherwise known as the purification of the soul.  Just as water is essential for a fish

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Chapter Fifteen: The Spiritual Friendship of a Gunatit

Gunatit no suhrid-bhav Welcome each event and occasion with a smile, take everything positively. ‘Oh Lord, let each and every moment of my time be spent such that I am totally engrossed in You, guide me and give me the strength to live according to Your wishes’. Embodied in this prayer are the following principles: Agna – abiding by your guru’s wishes Upasana –

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Chapter Sixteen: Attain a ‘Brahm-Anandi’ Conscience

Brahm-anandi bano We are all sadhaks.  Our ultimate goal is to achieve a state of mind where we are in constant communion with God – a state of brahm-anandi conscience.  We should be our own guru, introspect calmly and thoroughly, then ask ourselves: Am I a Vishay-anandi?               (one who derives happiness from worldly pleasures). Am I a bhajan-anandi?              (one who derives happiness from  devotion and worship). Am I an Atmanandi?               (one

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Chapter Seventeen: The Key to Spiritual Purity and Innocence.

Nirdosh thava ni chavi. Maharaj has promised that constant meditation and remembrance of  His physical body will alleviate us from worldly desires and will provide peace and happiness. However, constantly chanting His name and pondering upon it will provide greater experiences  of its mystical powers  as signified by the floating stones which had Ram’s name inscribed upon them in the great Ramayan epic.

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Chapter Eighteen: Worship with Dedication and According to the Lord’s Aspirations

Abhipray ni bhakti  Arjun gave his whole-hearted support to Lord Shree Krishna in his mission, Arjun worshipped and devoted his life with such conviction and devotion that he has earned the reputation of a ‘supreme unparalleled devotee’ for posterity.  Similarly, Sukhdevji and Udhavji have been recognised for their devotion and bestowed with the gift of supreme spiritual knowledge (gnan).  We should

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Chapter Nineteen: Spiritual Filter

Adhyatmik Gurni You should be ever faithful and sincere to Sahajanand Swami, constantly analysing yourself, your sentiments, convictions and actions thus remaining in chidakash.  As soon as a thought occurs, you should analyse it, filtering it to see if it enhances your devotion to God.  Otherwise discard it.  If  the thought lends itself to devotion which has no ulterior motive, and results in total self-less

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Chapter Twenty: Where are you in your Sadhana? Assess your Progress

Tamé kyan chho? Are you always conscious that you belong to a Gunatit Swaroop and live every moment as inspired by Him and only for his worship?  Are your convictions, emotions and feelings  motivated strictly for the devotion and worship of God and not of selfish reasons?  Are they practised exactly as inspired by Him? Having served His devotees (sambandh-wala) in order to please Him,

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