Chapter Twenty-One: Seize the Opportunity

Tak sadhi layé Whatever knowledge (gnan) and energy one expends in scrutinising the behaviour of others, their faults and weaknesses and in trying to advise and improve them, would be better utilised if directed towards oneself.  We should use our knowledge and energy in identifying our own weaknesses and vices and in trying to enhance our own behaviour and virtues.  We should introspect and  pray

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Become an Altruistic Devotee

Nishkam Bhakta bano  We should believe that Bapa inspires everything in our lives. Thus whatever object, person or event is brought before us, has been inspired by Bapa. Bapa bestows great compassion upon us in order to help us achieve the gnan-samadhi as per Vachnamrut G.III.11 and thus brings these to test us deliberately. In certain circumstances, we either deliberately turn a

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Diversity in Unity

Vividhta ma Ékta “Every ékantik brother and sister shall have his/her pattern and method of leading, or taking his or her followers to the position of Brahm-swaroop”. Presently, Bapa has acquainted us with many such accomplished swaroopos; which includes santos, benos, yuvakos or grahastos who are known as ‘vijli jéva santos’.  They are all tasked with the mission of taking their followers to the supreme status as mentioned above

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Virtue of a Supreme Being (Brahm)

Brahm no Gun A brahm-swaroop sant who has attained the spiritual status of a Gunatit Swaroop will be able to observe the process of the purification of the soul.  Therefore they will be able accept the ‘leela’ and will generally remain silent and watch. They realise that whatever is happening is for the best. Who dares to do anything without the consent and sanction of the Lord?  As per

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Sincerity Towards God

Pabhu ni vafadari If we remain sincere and fearful of the Lord, then we need not be anxious of any worldly elements (kal, karma, maya)right up to prakruti-purush – in fact we would feel safe and confident experiencing the peace and bliss of Akshardham. If we remain fearful of the Lord, we will not have to fear anyone up to prakruti-purush. Otherwise we will become

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Divine Inspiration from the Supreme Being

Sakar-Brahm ni Anuvruti  The acceptance of the positive angle or observance of another’s virtues without any hesitation whatsoever, with our minds and intellect is known as ‘brahm ni anuvruti’. There are three fundamental stages of the sadhana; Agna, Anusandhan and Anuvruti. We should become our own gurus and scrutinise ourselves and analyse which stage of the sadhana we have reached.   The state of our spiritual tranquillity and equanimity should not be

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Enjoy a State of Divine Equilibrium

Samta thi Shreeji né mano Develop a habit of accepting all those whom you encounter as an ‘image’ of Maharaj.  Maharaj will surely dwell in you. Whatever comes before you, (i.e. a thought or physical being), you must remain engrossed in the memories of Maharaj (smruti).  Thus whatever they say or do will not affect you, you will not become entangled in any

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Genuine Spiritual Unity

Bhavatmak Ékta The Gunatit Swaroop instigates all events and circumstances, inspires and is the supreme controller of all elements affecting all acquaintances of God (sabandhwala).  Just as He controls your destiny and inspires you, by the same token  it must be accepted that He controls and inspires others. There are many such Gunatit Swaroopos in the Gunatit Samaj, each with many followers and each with his/her own unique method

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: To remain Submerged in Gunatit-Bhav

Gunatit-Bhav ma réhéta Thava Dear Sadhakos, We have began what is perceived to be an impossible mission to achieve a state of Akshardham ni Samadhi and worship of Parabrahm Purushottam Narayan whilst living in a world dominated by crude natural forces, and maya known as Prakruti Purush and remaining in a state of consciousness known as gunatit-samadhi such that it governs our convictions, emotions and actions, ensuring we utilise them only

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Chapter Thirty: Gnan-Samadhi in the Conscious, Alert State

Jagratta ma Gnan-Samadhi If we were to attain a supreme state of consciousness whereby we intrinsically held the virtuous  qualities of non-pride, non-taste, non-attachment, non-covetousness, non-lust (Nirmani, Nirswadi, Nirsnéhi, Nirlobhi, Nishkami) then we would be in a constant state of communion with God, as stated in the Vachnamrut. G. III. 27. Therefore, we have been highly fortunate in discovering and recognising the supreme

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