
Swami Shreeji Under the instructions of Yogiji Maharaj and with his blessings the Sadhak sisters attended a spiritual seminar at Varsova in 1965. The seminar focused on how these sisters would achieve their goal of attaining ékantik dharma – a single-minded conviction for God and religion. The main contents of those seminars have been published here in this book as

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Chapter One: Be Happy and Rejoice! Anand Karo

Always remain happy and contented in the knowledge that you have attained the ultimate. To have found God, the association of a Sadhu and good health. All three are rarely achieved simultaneously. This is something you have, therefore you should celebrate and rejoice !! According to Vachnamrut G. III 2, the attainment of the Pratyaksh Swaroop (God) is the pinnacle

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Chapter Two: To Reminisce Over the Memories of God Smruti

As the devotee who is in the state of sadhna known as Gun-Buddhi (i.e. whose every thought and action is based on his intellectual mind) humbly endeavours to serve the Lord and disciples, the Satpurush will bless him by taking His place in the devotee’s heart and will begin to guide him. Gradually the devotee will reach the state of

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Chapter Three: The Glory of God and His Devotees Mahatmya

‘Mahima’ is to staunchly believe that the Pratyaksh Swaroop, whom we believe and have become devotedly attached to, is the all inspiring one…. the one who controls our fate and destiny, our past, present and future and is the almighty divine Lord himself, as described in Vachnamrut G. I. 62 and Swami-ni-Vato : Chapter 4 Discourse 143. One should constantly

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Chapter Four: Remain Submerged in Brahm Brahmcharya

The concepts of brahmcharya (to remain submerged in Brahm) and ahinsa (non-violence) are fundamental to the religion of an ékantik. The ékantik devotee who has recognised the supreme being, brahm – within Yogiji Maharaj and who now endeavours to lead a life which will please Yogiji Maharaj is truly ‘living’ in the spiritual sense of the word. Just as a

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Chapter Five: Neglect Negative Influences Kusang no Tyag

In the last chapter we discussed how to remain submerged in brahm; that is to constantly remain in Akshardham. Bapa has bestowed His grace upon us and has granted us this gift. We may wonder how has he done this ? The fact that He has allowed us His sambandh; His divine love for us and His presence in our

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Chapter Six: Association with the Swaroop and the Lord. Sambandhyog

Shreeji Maharaj and Gunatitanand Swami descended upon the earth from Akshardham and introduced a revolutionary way which would redeem and purify souls, this new method is known as sambandhyog. Shreeji Maharaj was himself the supreme Par-brahm Swaroop – God. If God had held any expectations of his devotees then realistically what could they have been ? What could any meek,

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Chapter Seven: Spiritual Divine Acceptance Nirdosh-Buddhi

Nirdosh-buddhi may be defined as the acceptance that everything and everyone is inspired by God, thus they are divine and innocent. Literally nirdosh means innocent. To uphold nirdosh-buddhi is to accept with your mind, soul and intellectual mind (buddhi) that whatever happens is inspired by God. To practice nirdosh-buddhi is the ultimate service of the Lord. Once during a sabha

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Chapter Eight: Constant Awareness of God and Spiritual Ethics Brahmyagna and Gnanyagna

On every ékadashi, Yogiji Maharaj would ask his devotees to read and recite the Vachnamruts G. II. 7 and G. II. 8. Vachnamrut G. II. 7 Then Muktanand Swami asked Shreeji Maharaj: ‘A human being is filled with worldly desires, thus how can he ever be freed from it ?”  Shreeji Maharaj replied : “Even though a devotee lacks vairagya

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Chapter Nine: Characteristics of the Spiritual Status Brahmi Sthiti nu Lakshan

Swami-ni-Vato Chapter 1. Discourse 305 To practice positive thinking and thus experience peace and bliss is to have attained the happiness of heaven on earth. Similarly, to be plagued with negative thoughts and feelings of despondency, gloom and depression is effectively to experience hell on earth. Swami-ni-Vato Chapter 1. Discourse 308 Once a devotee comes in contact with the Satpurush he

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Chapter Ten: Path to Salvation – Certified by Experience Anubhavélo Kalyan no Sadhana-marg

If any devotee were to believe Yogi Bapa to be the supreme incarnation of Akshar-purushottam and pray incessantly to Him : “Bapa – please reveal your true self to me! Grant my soul redemption and salvation” If the devotee continued to pray in this way unceasingly until Bapa heard his prayers, then Maharaj would hear this plea and would take

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Chapter Eleven: Realisation of the Glory of God and His Devotees. Mahatmya no Sakshatkar

Lord Swaminarayan also known as Sahajanand Swami is the supreme emblem of truth, knowledge and eternal bliss. Gunatitanand Swami is the ‘living’ abode of Lord Swamininarayan. The Lord dwells constantly in Gunatitanand Swami. Presently Yogiji Maharaj has attained equivalence and identification with both Lord Swaminarayan and Gunatitanand Swami and is in permanent communion with them. Thus, Yogiji Maharaj is the

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Chapter Twelve: Firm Conviction in God. Akshar-Purushottam ni Nishtha.

New Era  A new era began when we celebrated the centenary of Pujya Shashtriji Maharaj. Prior to this, we would affiliate with a Gunatit Satpurush (attain atma-buddhi and priti), but would acknowledge the Satpurush to be on the same spiritual level as ourselves. Thus: The Satpurush constantly remained humble towards us instead of us remaining humble towards them.  The Satpurush

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Chapter Thirteen: Unity, Harmony and Spiritual Friendship Samp, Suhradbhav, Ékta

Unity, harmony and spiritual friendship have been advocated by Yogiji Maharaj himself. We should try to apply these fundamental principles in our lives.  Sometimes when you endeavour to practice these principles; you may witness things which will make you feel unhappy. Under these circumstances, you may politely request the person concerned to change their behaviour etc. If they do not

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Chapter Fourteen: The Essence of Gunatit Gnan Gunatit Gnan nu Navnit

Constantly remain aware of the six points mentioned below. Never look at the faults of others (Koi nu Jovu nahi) Concentrate on one’s own sadhana (Potanu kari lévu) Resolve problems with prayers and japyagna but do not resort to alternative methods. (Munjvan avé to mala ghamkhavi pan bija-trija upai na léva). Maintain nirdosh-buddhi towards everyone. (Darékma nirdosh-buddhi rakhvi) Maintain unity,

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Chapter Fifteen: Profound Association with Accomplished Saints Results in Purification of the Soul Brahm no Manan Dwa

The association of the mind with the Brahm-Swaroop is known as ‘brahm no manan dwara sang’. Never look at the faults of others (Koi nu Jovu nahi) Concentrate on one’s own sadhna (Potanu kari lévu) Resolve problems with prayers and japyagna but do not resort to alternative methods. (Munjvan avé to mala ghamkhavi pan bija-trija upai na léva). Maintain nirdosh-buddhi

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Chapter Sixteen: The Essence of Anoopam 5 Falshruti

We have recognised and accepted Yogiji Maharaj as the person that has attained equivalence and identification with Aksharbrahm and is in permanent communion with Parbrahm. We know and believe him to be our kalyan-data i.e. the one who will redeem our souls and purify our ego. The fact that we belong to Him means we do not have to go

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Chapter Seventeen: Sincerity Towards the Guru and God. Drashta Taraf Pativratapanu

Once we have recognised the Pratyaksh Swaroop and accepted Him as an incarnation God, the awareness of our race and caste will be eliminated, however, our intrinsic nature (swabhav) and worldly desires (vasna) still remain. Each morning we should to pray: “Oh Lord, please reveal my weaknesses.” Then remain alert throughout the day. The constant awareness of having asked for

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Chapter Eighteen: True Worship Upasana

Constantly ask oneself : will these thoughts please Bapa ? will my actions please him? Until one gets a firm answer continue to pray but do not act. Nothing will be ruined. Do only that which is your religion (swa-dharma) otherwise continue to pray. Remain sub-merged in the Lord and do whatever is inspired by Him.  Do not allow others

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Abhav  To dislike, to take offence, to condemn. Agnan  Ignorance Ahinsa  non-violence Ahum / Ahankar  Ego Akshar  The eternal abode of God – in whom God dwells constantly Akshar -Purushottam  Gunatitanand Swami & The Lord Swaminarayan also known as Sahajanand Swami. Akshardham  Abode of God, Eternal abode of Lord Swaminarayan. Amahima  Negative, pessimistic thoughts – thoughts of criticism. Ang  The fundamental characteristic Antahkaran  The four inner instruments of the mind,

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